The Handmaiden's Rainbow by Isil Elensar
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: A series of drabbles (five in total) depicting a young elf-maiden who takes pride in her work and service for the Lady Galadriel. Major Characters: Galadriel, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Fifth Birthday Celebration Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 603 |
Posted on 24 August 2010 | Updated on 24 August 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1 - Purple
Read Chapter 1 - Purple
The huge cauldron hung above the fire, rotating with the movement of the spade as she stirred. Calendiel lifted her paddle, inspecting the linen closely. The hue was a beautiful lavender color, but not the vibrant purple her mistress had ordered. Sinking the fabric back into the dye, she continued to work, lightly humming a tune to make the time pass faster. Indeed, she enjoyed what others though of as tedious: the dying of fabrics to grace Lady Galadriel’s lissome form. It was a matter of pride to Calendiel: to know that she helped to clothe the Lady of Lorien.
Chapter 2 - Red
Read Chapter 2 - Red
It was one thing to dye fabric with relative ease, but it was quite another to actually sew it! Calendiel was frustrated, sucking her finger again after pricking it with her needle. Her teacher moaned over the ruination of the pristine white silk that her blood had dripped on.
“I shall dye it red,” she announced, putting down thread and needle.
“Red?! But the lady wanted white, to go with her new diamond earrings.”
Calendiel thought of the earrings that hung like icicles from Galadriel’s ears. “I shall dye the silks so red that the diamonds will look like rubies!”
Chapter 3 - Orange
Read Chapter 3 - Orange
It was a color that one often associated with the sunset, or perhaps with the exotic, tangy fruit that came from the south. Calendiel ran her hand lightly over the drying silk, marvelling that she had accomplished the replication of the color orange. And now, this length of silk will become yet another of Galadriel’s gowns: one that the lady will wear for the Autumn Ball. Calendiel imagined seeing her mistress dancing in her orange gown, with fire opals gracing the lady’s neck. A bird sang, breaking Calendiel’s musings, and she hung another length of orange silk up to dry.
Chapter 4 - Yellow
Read Chapter 4 - Yellow
It was a pretty color, like ripe lemons. Calendiel eased in the long length of silk. She stirred carefully and let it stand for several minutes. Then, with her paddle, she lifted the fabric from the cauldron and admired the beautiful yellow color. After she hung it up to dry, she turned and found one of Galadriel’s handmaidens standing in the doorway.
“May I help you?” she politely inquired.
“Lady Galadriel requests that you attend her,” the handmaiden answered quietly. Surprised, Calendiel handed her paddle to her apprentice, nervously checked her appearance, and then followed the lady to Galadriel’s talan.
Chapter 5 - Green
Read Chapter 5 - Green
Galadriel sat in an ornately carved, wooden chair, awaiting the arrival of Calendiel, the lady who was responsible for the colors of her gowns. Even now, she was wearing her green gown, which perfectly matched the color of emeralds, or the color of summer leaves. Never before had she seen such mastery with colors. Not even in Aman could anyone match Calendiel’s talent.
From the far end of the room, Galadriel saw Calendiel enter and curtsy before her. A smile lifted her lips as she greeted the girl.
“You asked for me, my lady?”
“Yes, Calendiel. I must thank you for the beautiful gowns you sent me.”
“Oh, but my lady! I only dye the fabric. I am afraid I cannot sew as well as your seamstresses.”
“I know. But it is you, who dyed the silk that makes the gowns glow with brilliant color. It is you, who has managed to harness the colors of the rainbow, my child. I must thank you, Calendiel, and offer you a position as one of my handmaidens.”
Calendiel looked shocked and elated at the same time. All she could do was to nod her acceptance, and Galadriel laughed, welcoming her newest handmaiden.
Chapter End Notes
Author's Thanks!
Thanks go to the loverly Rhapsody for the beta. Thanks, hun!