Left Behind by Isil Elensar

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Fanwork Notes

All written for OSA Drabble Challenge #32: Left Behind

Fanwork Information


A series of drabbles connected though a family. Each drabble is a look at how certain family member handle being left behind.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Family Matters, Fifth Birthday Celebration

Rating: General


Chapters: 5 Word Count: 500
Posted on 24 August 2010 Updated on 24 August 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1: Final Parting

Read Chapter 1: Final Parting

Geliriel stood on the bank of the Sirion, watching the water as it flowed, and allowing herself to remember. Her tears fell as rain into the water, and she fell to her knees. Here, they were hand-fasted. Here, Amrod promised her love, passion, and fire. Miles away, he died, leaving her behind.

“I miss you.”

A gentle wind blew around her, the soft scent of roses carried on that wind. Her tears subsided, and her mind cleared of sadness. She could feel his presence, as if he stood behind her. And she heard his voice saying:

“I love you. Forever.”

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Chapter 2: Parting of Fates

Read Chapter 2: Parting of Fates

Tuveran stood alone on the pier. Upon the grey ship were his grandmother, uncle, and beloved twin sister. They had grown weary of Middle-earth and chose to sail to Aman. Tears welled up, blurring his sight, but he kept his eyes upon the ship as it slowly sailed into the west. Wiping away the tears, he lifted his hand in a gesture of parting. And with his keen eyesight, he saw his family return the gesture, and before the sun obscured his vision, he saw his sister smiling. Tuveran smiled as well. Being left behind did not mean losing hope.

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Chapter 3: Sorrow & Hope

Read Chapter 3: Sorrow & Hope

The boat reached the far shore of the Celebrant, and Tuveran was lifted carefully into a cart. At a whispered command, they stopped as his eyes locked on his children. There was anger mixed with sorrow in Melannen’s eyes, tempered only by the love and hope of his daughter, Siladwen. He could see that both wanted to follow him, especially his son, even to Aman. But they had to stay. They had their lives ahead of them. In order to heal, he had to leave them behind. Raising his hand, he called out to them:

“I love you, my children.”

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Chapter 4: Final Straw

Read Chapter 4: Final Straw

Holding his daughter close, Eothain read the letter again. From the scrawl of the writing, he could tell his wife had been scared when she wrote it. He left her with their daughter to defend the village against the attacking orcs. Now, she was gone, leaving him and their daughter behind. Laying the letter down, he held his daughter closer to him. She was still crying hysterically, her little arms reaching for the door.

“We will find her, Rianna,” he whispered, hoping his daughter would calm down. Eventually, she did, clinging to him tightly. “We will find her,” he repeated.

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Chapter 5: Loveless

Read Chapter 5: Loveless

One day since her husband’s death, and Rian felt it keenly. Her heart hurt from the emptiness left behind. When he died, he took her love with him. The only reason she had for living was her children. They needed her. But it was hard to think of them without thinking of their father. Tears fell down her face again. She lost count how many times she cried. She couldn’t bring herself to face the Pelennor, where he died. It hurt to remember, it hurt to feel, and it hurt to know he wasn’t at her side where he belonged.

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