Comments on The Nargothrond Cordial

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Hahaha this is so clever. I can definitely imagine Finrod writing recipes too. 

"... like for whatever reason, you need to fight wolves five times your size with your bare hands."

Lmao. So that's how he did it!

This is a genre of fic I never knew I needed. 


Celegorm and I are told we had [a] reckless adventure...

? ehem... now where is *this* story? lol *winks outrageously*


Oh gosh this was delightful!  I love that Curufin is somewhat ... dodgy as a drink maker.  Not that it didn't work, but that you have to be just a little bit insane to try it LOL

I love how this kinda fits my own HC of Nargothrond having an abundance - far more than the northern realms - giving Curufin the ample resources to experiment with.  ?

oh the joys of experimental cooking

though it appears that my experiments are usually a lot tamer, shall we say, then Finrod's are.

Love the tone, you can just see him writing an entire series of cookbooks exploring Beleriandrim cuisine
I hope Frodo, Sam and Bilbo will get the chance to read it one day. I think they would enjoy it