Comments on Calls from the other end of the galaxy

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daughterofshadows has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

You had me at Maeglin happily exploring space rocks, before the fic even started : D 

Maeglin's and Celebrimbor's dynamic is so fun. It makes me very happy to see them be friends :3

I'm left wondering at that comment about Elwing and "the little ones", though. So far things seem to go at least somewhat better than in canon for our friends, so will Elwing and the twins both leave with Earendil? If so, does she take the Silmarils (provided she even has one here)? I'm intrigued! 

I'm so so sorry to leave your comment unanswered for so long, but actually it's all for the better because I've done a lot of worldbuilding since then!

Things are definitely going way way better than in canon, so Elwing, Eärendil and the twins will get to stay together!

The silmarils kind of exist, but (inspired by one of Anne Wolfe's Scribbles and Drabbles arts from 2021) they are power sources for space ships. There are the three OG silmarils, and then there are slightly simpler ones powering most of the Valinorean fleet.

So they're way less contentious here. No kinslaying in this universe for example. It also eliminates basically the entire Morgoth/Sauron plot line, because I decided I had no need for dark lords in space.

That's not to say there won't be tragedy, but it's of a different nature. And mostly slightly less deadly!


Anyway, I'm really glad you liked it! I promise I will get Maeglin to actually explore some space rocks at some point XD