A New Start by Elwin Fortuna

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A New Start

Leaving the Halls of Mandos is like emerging from deep water. Boundless energy leaps up within Finrod as he passes through the gates.

He looks up into the blinding light and sees a tall figure with bright hair streaming down his back, a beloved face, long missed.

“Father!” he says, running forward into Finarfin’s arms. Finrod feels like a child again, the weight of memory settled into somewhere it can be slowly taken out and looked at again later, rather than an ever-present burden.

“My dear son,” Finarfin says. For a long moment they just look at each other, then Finarfin smiles. “Welcome home.”

They turn, walking away from the Halls down a long road underneath tall trees. It’s a long way back to Tirion and they have much to discuss on the way.

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