One Can Never Go Home Again by oshun

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Chapter 1

This view of Formenos follows Dawn Felagund’s canon wherein Fëanor had built an alternative home in Formenos years before his banishment from Tirion and Fingon had often accompanied them there in summers as a child. This version neatly accounts for the special friendship between Fingon and Maedhros and creates a community of smiths and artisans remote from the political machinations of the court in Tirion.

A gentle breeze brushed the hilltop, combing the ruins. Wonderful and horrible things had happened here, Fingon thought. He turned to watch Maedhros, tall and relaxed in his saddle, isolated unto himself.

“Well?” Fingon asked, unable to read his friend's handsome face.

“There it is,” Maedhros answered. “And to think I wondered if I would even be able to recognize it.”

“Are you going to be all right?”

“You were right to come with me.”

“Eru forsaken Formenos!” Fingon said, hearing the passion in his own voice. “I once loved it.”

“That was another world.” Maedhros gave a resigned smile.

“Ready then?” asked Fingon.

“Yes. I’ve seen enough.”

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