Rewilding by Himring

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She weighed the acorn in her palm. She had others in her bag, beechnuts as well. Once, her people had fought against the felling of the trees. They had been defeated. It had taken generations, but now the Numenoreans had left. Her people had retreated, together with the forest, but they were not gone entirely. Now they were edging back. She and her acorn were just the vanguard. She walked forward among crumbling ruins, looking for a good spot.

She planted her first acorn in old Vinyalonde. In time the towers would fall entirely and the trees would rise again.

Chapter End Notes

This is the port at the mouth of the Gwathló, which seems to have a complex and somewhat uncertain history, but had long been in ruins by the time of the War of the Ring.
Vinyalondë was its first name, which literally means "New Haven".

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