Comments on After the Fall

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I enjoyed the first two drabbles on the instadrabbling and I'm so glad I received a notification for this now because I'd missed your third.

Your description of what the cataclysm was like around the world (literally, now!) has made it very much less abstract in my mind.

That it was more impactful than the drowning of Beleriand, even for those who had experienced that up close.

"...some were afraid there would be no morning." Oh yes! Those who had experienced the darkening of Valinor, then the strangeness of the new sun and moon especially know what is possible, while those who come long after wouldn't have a clue.

I do like the way Men feel the changes differently to Elves and Dwarves. I imagine their shorter lifespans don't allow for a deep a connection, and while Elves are fundamentally bound to Arda, Dwarves are of the earth.

I've never thought of the effects of in Aman — just that it was whisked off unharmed — but I far prefer the idea that it was very much shaken to its core too, with damage to the coastline.

Your last line gave me a shiver...