Archives of Beleriand
Series compiled by Ermingarden
- Series Information
Letters, poems, and other documents left behind by the civilizations of Beleriand.
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Archives of Beleriand"

Letters from Himring by Ermingarden
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings, Mature Themes
A selection of correspondence to, from, and within the fortress of Himring in the 62nd year of the Sun,
Compiled and edited with Westron commentary by Hithaeril of Dol Amroth, Second Assistant Archivist of the Royal Gondorian Archives, in the 196th year of the Fourth Age,
Translated into English by Ermingarden and illustrated by Frog_In_A_Pond in the 2,021st year of the Common Era.

Lament for Halwen by Ermingarden
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate)
Halwen the Spearwoman was a Avarin elf who joined the service of Maedhros Fëanorion shortly before the Dagor Aglareb and died fighting against her lord at Sirion. The untitled Sindarin text commemorating her, known today as the "Lament for Halwen," survives in a single manuscript now preserved at the Library of Rivendell.
Translated from Sindarin into English by Ermingarden and illustrated by Fiona15351.

The Shadow of Wings by Ermingarden
Warnings: No warnings apply
Two artifacts from the Minas Tirith Museum of Art's Beleriandic collection.