Comments on Growing Wisdom

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Anérea has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Description/Imagery, Fulfilled Intent, Mood/Tone, Organization/Structure, Pacing, Plot, Point of View, Setting, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me because I have all these headcanons for her, and Adanel that I really would like to share. This is actually just the intro to something I wanted to write that is itself a prequel to Fabric of Love, Of Circles and Cycles but all my writeability leaked out after I posted.(And I only posted the intro hectare I wanted the stamp, but I'm so glad I did because your comment has given me a boost I wouldn't have received if I hadn't.)  Since Ive managed 200 words for instadrabbling, mywriteability might be seeping back in so there's hope yet that this might actually get written! 

ETA a correction that this is a prequel to Of Circles and Cycles; I think Fabric of Love would have taken place just before they depart for the festival. 

Your comment also made me realise that I hadn't crossposted Of Circles here, so I've just rectified that! That version also contains the full ending that wasn't in the AO3 version because at the last minute I realised that Lferion had requested something happy, and, well, this is the Silm which tends to act like Teflon to happy!