Wise Hearts
Series compiled by Anérea
A few bits and pieces of this story have already been written, others are sketched out, with even more suggesting themselves as I go, so I'm looking forward to discovering what's here, and hope you enjoy what I find too...
- Series Information
An evolving series exploring the life and times of the two wise-women of the Edain in Beleriand, Adanel and Andreth.
Major Characters: Adanel, Aegnor, Andreth, Finrod Felagund, Zimrahin
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Wise Hearts"

In Light Of Dreams by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
FA346: Estolad, East Beleriand, and circa FA150: near the Orocarni Mountains, Eastern Middle-earth
Zimrahin, wife of Malach and mother of Adanel & Magor, relates a tale of one of their ancestors to a young Adanel, wise-woman-in-training.
(Third in my Hildórien to Beleriand series, connecting Adanel with her earlier OC ancestors.)

Adanel: never have I ever by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
A young Adanel in two drabbles from the Holiday Party Instadrabbling event using the "Never have I ever" prompt.

Fabric of Love by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
Young Andreth receives a very special gift from her mother.
(A drabble.)

Growing Wisdom by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
Andreth's childhood in Estolad, and her relationship with Adanel.

Of Circles and Cycles by Anérea
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
A thoughtful young girl of about eight, Andreth comes to live with Adanel and begins learning her lore...
(part of a W in very slow P series)

Aeluin Revisited by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
A nonagenarian Andreth thinks back on her life, and love. (Featuring cameo appearances by Finrod and Adanel.)