The Scarf by Himring

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The Scarf

Indis pulled open the drawer and, as always, immediately shut it again. Then she changed her mind and once again pulled it open. Neatly folded, carefully preserved, never worn since…

‘I don’t care!’ she said. ‘She made it for me and I will wear it! Here at least, in Valmar, where there are no Noldor to judge and weigh my actions on the fine scales of their disapproval. Did I not love her, too?’

She lifted the exquisite fabric out. It almost seemed to float away from her. A scent of lavender, a flash of silver, echoes of a voice, precise and quick as an embroidering needle…

She draped Miriel's gift around her shoulders as intended, a little clumsily, and opened the door to go outside. As she walked down the garden path, the scarf began to slide off her left shoulder. Almost defiantly, she tossed it back again and to her horror felt it catch.


Looking for Indis a little later, Ingwion found her beside the white rose bush, her face wet with tears.

‘It is only a pulled thread,’ she said, quietly.

But her hands were shaking badly.

He took the beautiful scarf out of her unresisting fingers and very gently, very cautiously eased the rumpled section of the delicate weave apart. The pulled thread that had caught on a thorny branch allowed itself to be coaxed back into place—almost.

Chapter End Notes

Indis and Miriel previously appeared together in the drabble Singing and Sewing.

In Himring 'verse Indis and Miriel had had a very strong friendship, but didn't see each other as much as they liked, because Indis felt she couldn't spend too much time with Finwe for her own peace of mind, something that Indis and Miriel both understood had nothing to do with each other, but nevertheless impacted them.
I'm happy for readers to read it how they like, though!

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