The Thought by Rhapsody

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The Thought

Nerdanel also was firm of will, but more patient than Fëanor, desiring to understand minds rather than to master them, and at first she restrained him when the fire of his heart grew too hot; but his later deeds grieved her, and they became estranged.

The Silmarillion - Chapter 6 Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor

All that remained on the courtyard was silence: none would dare to venture outside except for him. It had become a habit he found hard to shake off, to remain outside, not wanting to be in the house once his parents realised the stupidity of yet another fight about small and insignificant matters.

This time however, everything was different. Oh they had argued, but not with the passion and zest all of his family were used to observe.

This time there had been no slamming of doors, no pottery smacked to the ground… just two silent persons observing another, calmly, perhaps too reserved. His mother had packed her belongings an hour ago: her face stern and unmoving. His father watched her go with that smile lingering on his lips with the same knowledge that he as her son held close.

She always came back.

She always forgave her husband and things turned back to normal. Always.

It never took long before she returned with a smile with her coffers unpacked, telling how much she missed her children, the fussing over us, showing how much she had missed them in her own way.

He would be waiting for her return knowing that fleeting moment he would be the centre of her world, being her child as well. She would wrap her warm arms around him, he would smell her familiar scent and the tell-tale ruffle through his hair would follow soon after that: that very thought he refused to let go.

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