Comments on Lords of the West

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That was a beautiful and really intense story! The first scene - wow. You described Fingolfin's fight with Morgoth really well, and then his waking up in Valinor...

Olwë and Fingolfin's conversations were really interesting, and they just got more so as the story progressed. 

And then the way they reacted to Númenor. Fingolfin's viewpoint is absolutely in-character, and I just thought his lines at the end were perfect... "Besides, in moments like this, the Valar stand back and act not. We are braver than that."

The way you described Fingolfin coming and seeing the wreckage on the beach was especially vivid.

I loved this story! Great job!

I finally found the review I wrote for this story. Somehow, it ended up as a comment; I'm not sure how. Anyway, here it is:

Excellent work. I love the ending line. It's funny how so many people find the concept of being close to godliness boring, and Tokien was never able to rectify that, because all of his most interesting tales were of the characters with the greatest flaws. This story higlights that and brings home just how much the judeo-christian influenced concept of what it means to be good is istelf flawed in many ways.