Beorn's Wife
‘Who ever heard of marrying a bear? It's unheard of!’ they said.
‘Hardly unheard of!’ she answered. ‘After all, Beorn, too, had a mother.’
And so, once again, she went to meet him at the Carrock early of an evening and, after a while, she followed him all the way across his bee-pastures to his wide wooden halls.
‘What's he like then, bare under his bear-skin?’ they asked, when she came visiting, bearing a pot of the best honey they had ever eaten as a guest gift.
But she, unfazed, tossed her braids and laughed.
‘Wouldn't you like to know!’
Chapter End Notes
Drabble originally written for the Homophone Challenge at Tolkien Weekly on Livejournal (100 words in MS Word)
Prompt: bear/bare
Posted to AO3 in 2014.
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