She's Touched Your Perfect Body by polutropos

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Chapter 1

And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind
And then you know that you can trust her
For she's touched your perfect body with her mind

- Leonard Cohen, "Suzanne"

The hot, dry stones darken as rivulets of water fall down from her hair. Crouching beside the river, she twists and wrings it with strong hands, tossing it over the opposite shoulder and spreading her lips into a broad smile when she catches my eyes. 

“Come here,” I say, and she laughs; the rich ring of her laughter ripples through me like a song. 

She stands, and from where I sit on the ground I am the worshipper and she is the exalted. I commit to memory her muscled thighs, the wide curve of her hips, the soft circle of her stomach, her nipples the same deep red as her lips, stained with the juices of wild berries and bruised with kisses stolen along the path. 

I entreat her, “Come lie down beside me,” as I stretch out on my back against the soft, dew-dampened sward and extend an arm towards her. I feel a tug at my cheeks and I know a grin stretches across my face. No matter what passes between us, no matter what darkness clouds my mind, when she draws near me I can feel nothing but elation. 

She reclines on the ground beside me, propping herself up on a bent elbow. She extends the other arm towards me and strokes the line of my jaw, my neck, gliding a palm over my bare chest, sliding two fingers down to circle my belly button, before spreading her hand over my stomach. Her calloused fingertips pressing down on the slope of my abdomen set fire to my flesh, quickening my arousal. 

“Fëanáro,” she whispers, “tell me you want me,” and I groan at the honeyed sweetness of my name on her lips, rolling my hips against the weight of her arm holding me down. 

“Nerdanel,” I say around a thick tongue, “I always want you.”

She closes her eyes and breathes deeply and I watch her breasts rise and fall. I turn onto my side and move to place my body over hers, but as I reach for her shoulder to push her back, her hand is around my wrist and she pins me to the earth, swinging a leg over to sit astride me. She smiles and hovers her hips over mine, reaching behind to take me in hand and lay me down between her thighs. At her firm touch, I am at once hard and burning and I buck against her, nearly brushing my head against her entrance, but she draws herself away with a moan and quirk of her lips. 

I feel the familiar weight of my erection flat against my stomach and she lowers herself down over me. The flare of heat when her arousal meets mine makes me shudder and grasp for something to hold, finding the firm flesh of her buttocks with both hands. Her folds wrap around me and she is already wet, slowly rocking her hips to slide along my length. My arms tremble with the longing to pull her, lift her, bring her down and enter her, but I fight against the lust that would consume me if I let it, because I want to live in this desire for as long as I can. 

I sit up abruptly and pull at her hips to settle her between my folded legs, and she giggles as she bounces against my thighs. With a growl, I lace my fingers through her hair, gripping her skull between my hands, and I silence her laughter with a firm kiss. As she parts her lips, her stiff posture melts and she moans into my mouth. I pull away to hover over her lips and smile, and our tongues dart between teeth and flick at each other like two butterflies in a dance of courtship. She bites at my lower lip and closes her mouth around mine, and I slide my hands down her neck, over her collarbones, and fill my palms with her breasts, the thickness of her flesh yielding under my fingers as I squeeze and tug at them. 

She pulls our lips apart and gasps, “Oh, yes, please,” rolling her chin back towards the sky and her hips towards me. I thumb over her peaked nipples and lower my face over her chest, grazing her swollen breasts with the bridge of my nose, wrapping my arms around her upper back and pulling her into me. I suck at one nipple, then the other, drawing circles with my tongue, teasing her with my teeth, and scraping my nails lightly against her back. She is writhing in my arms and blood is surging in feverish waves as the burning head of my shaft leaks onto the soil, and I want so desperately to be inside her. The thought makes me groan loudly against her chest.

Lifting me back up by the chin, she kisses me hurriedly, wanting only the wet touch of our lips. She adjusts her hips, balancing herself over me with one hand on my shoulder, using the other to position my erection beneath her entrance, and she lowers herself down around me and cries out as I slide through the tight ring of her opening to fill her completely. She clings to me with her legs and I cling to her with my arms and she begins to ride me. Through hooded lids I watch her slide up and down my length, I watch the muscles of her strong stomach work to lift and lower herself over me. 

She leans back into my arms and I help her fuck me, thrusting into her as I pull her down. When she clenches around me I want to scream – and I do, because I want my need for her, my love for her to be heard as far as Taniquetil. I want Manwë and Varda to know that my wife is holier to me than all the Powers arrayed in might and majesty. “Ah! Eru!” I cry again and again, in defiance of their dominion, and because I cannot bear the heat of my spirit and the tight straining of my body inside hers.

I am on the brink of ecstasy but I need her there with me, so I lean back down on the grass. She bends over me and she continues to ride me, grinding her clit against my pelvis, her breasts grazing and pressing against my chest. Our skin is sticky and glistening with sweat and she mumbles something low and pleading but my senses are swirling in a haze of pleasure and I cannot make out the words. I grab her by the back of her neck, pull her close and stare into the wells of her eyes, blown wide with lust, as we gasp and rock our bodies against each other. The bright light of day darkens around me and all I see is the depth of her soul, all I feel is her breath mingled with mine in the space between our lips and the warmth of her body around me. 

A soft whimper escapes from deep inside her and her eyes flutter shut, so I thrust harder and pull her down against me, turning the whimper to a moan, and again, turning her moans to shouts until she pounds her fists into my chest and cries my name. She tightens, and I am achingly hard and full inside her, and she tightens again and holds, setting her thighs trembling and her walls shuddering around me. Her eyelids fly open and we are staring into each other’s souls as she finds her release.

I feel the heavy waves of her pleasure rolling over me and with a final blaze of fire down my spine I am flooding her with my seed as her wetness drips down my length. I throb and buck against her, and her spasms draw my seed up, holding it deep inside her. Our eyes still locked on to each other, we put all our thought into creation: visions of a third fëa taking root in her womb, unfurling its life like petals, coming forth into the world to inhabit a body made of our bond.

Here, under a vibrant sky, beside the rush of a mountain stream, naked and undone against the damp earth, we have joined ourselves to bring forth another life and my heart threatens to burst and break for want of space to contain my love for her. Her skin is flush and gleaming and I have never seen anything more radiant than the smile that now spreads across her face as she holds my cheeks between her hands and tells me she loves me.

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