Letter for you by daughterofshadows

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Letter for you

After Arador and Belladonna meet in 2857, they, helped by the Goodbody family (see fic linked in Story Notes), begin a project that tightens working relationships between the rangers guarding the Shire and the bounders.

These letters are set about fifteen-ish years after their initial meeting.

The ranger-bounder collaboration continues very successfully until shortly after the death of Arathorn, but is picked up again by Aragorn when he first ventures into the Shire and meets Emerald Goodbody.

This fic utilises Lotro worldbuilding and set-up in parts, since the original prompt for H&R was about Halros, a ranger from the Lotro game.

Dear Belladonna,

thank you so much for the biscuits you sent us off with, they were delicious. Arathorn was rather upset there were none left when I met him at the border.

I must return to the North Downs for a while to meet with some of my other captains now, but it is always heartening to see the fruits our efforts have born as rangers and bounders now work closely together.

It will be a prosperous union for both our people, I think.

Truly, fate must have blessed our meeting that day.

I entrust this letter to Arathorn, who is heading towards Annuminas and will give it to the Postmaster of Brockenborings.

Give my best wishes to your husband and son, and if all goes well, we will see each other in spring.



Greetings, my friend!

Bungo was very glad to hear you enjoyed the biscuits! If you see Arathorn before we do, tell him to visit and he will have his very own.

Bilbo as declared him an “almost worthy opponent in conkers”, so I am certain he, too, would be delighted to see him again!

Our harvest has been bountiful this year, and we were able to put aside more for you than we initially expected.

Emerald has been talking with some of the watchmen to see how we can best deliver the grain to you. She’s truly flourished amongst the bounders!

Take care of yourself during the winter! I’ll be very cross with you if you don’t.



Chapter End Notes

If you want to read more about Belladonna and Arador, I would really encourage you to check out Hobbits & Rangers.

It's one of my favourite fics that I have ever written, and I'm very proud of it.

And you can also find another take on this combination in An unexpected meeting if you're interested!

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