Thuringwethil and Tilion by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Re rating and warning:

You can interpret the poem how you like.

Violence may be implied.

Fanwork Information


A haiku about Thuringwethil and Tilion. (I added a photo.)

Major Characters: Thuringwethil, Tilion

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry


Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 16
Posted on 28 October 2023 Updated on 28 October 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Thuringwethil and Tilion

Written for the following quotation prompt:

Tilion was a hunter of the company of Oromë, and he had a silver bow. He was a lover of silver, and when he would rest he forsook the woods of Oromë, and going into Lórien he lay in dream by the pools of Estë, in Telperion's flickering beams; and he begged to be given the task of tending for ever the last Flower of Silver


Read Thuringwethil and Tilion

‘Why do you bare teeth

at the Moon's arc?’ ‘He shot me

with his silver bow.’


Photo of a quarter moon with a silver rim in a blue sky
Silver Bow (own photo)


Chapter End Notes

The original photo was of a view of a moon in the evening sky. I have applied filters to make the sky look darker and bluer.

The haiku was written for a tolkienfanworks challenge and also posted to Ainur Week on Tumblr. The photo is an addition made to this post on SWG.

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