A good day by daughterofshadows

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A good day

He finds the copper flower on his bedside table, first. Salgant knows who made it, of course, has seen ornaments like this worn by his lovers; Rog’s care for them a part of each petal. Nature’s beauty honoured eternally in the metal.

But this one does not belong to Laurendil or Alma.

He twirls the stem between his fingers, as if willing it to reveal its secrets. The flower does no such thing of course, and so Salgant tugs it behind his ear with a hum and heads out.

His family has already left to work on their own tasks for the day, but he does not start teaching until noon, and so he takes the long way to the small school building in Mastomahtano.

The children compliment his flower and only laugh a little bit when he blushes bright red.

One of them lingers behind when the class comes to end. Síriol is shuffling their feet, just outside the door, passing a small bag between their hands. A small bag that is thrust into Salgant’s own hands when he joins Síriol at the door.

“LadyLauriesaidtogivethistoyou!” Síriol exclaims and runs off before Salgant can ask them to repeat themself.

He tosses the bag between his hands, trying to guess what is inside.

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