Yes, please do by Himring

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Yes, please do

From Lorien, Celebrian and Finrod returned to Indis’s house. Indis welcomed them and then left them to themselves in the guest wing to settle back in.

Finrod regarded Celebrian, who looked almost a little lost, even though they had been guests in the same rooms not so long ago. Touch was a difficult subject for Celebrian and she had welcomed it the less, the stronger her body grew again so that she no longer depended on physical support. He was painfully aware how challenging even the most affectionate gesture could feel, to a soul so bruised, if it was ill-timed, and had retreated accordingly. Except that perhaps now, after those meetings with Este…?  Tentatively, he offered Celebrian his palm.

She hesitated, but extended her fingers, touching... Above them, one of the many bells of Valmar rang out. Celebrian jerked and almost wrenched her hand away. But instead, she seized Finrod’s hand more strongly and kept hold of it, while above their heads the bells of Valmar pealed and pealed.

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