Apr 1st Stories
Series compiled by Uvatha the Horseman
- Series Information
Once a year on April 1st, a canon character from LOTR or the Silmarillion gets pranked.
Major Characters: Hobbits
Major Relationships:
Genre: Humor
Fanworks in "Apr 1st Stories"

The Sign of the Prancing Pony by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
Bob and Nob, hobbit servants at the Prancing Pony, prank the famous tavern sign. Meanwhile, the people of Bree worry about minor threats - a dwarf sighting, a wolf's paw print, and the mysterious Rangers, while failing to notice the two extremely dangerous Nazgul who are sitting at the bar, drinking beer.

I Choose a Mortal Life by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
Elrond and Elros, who are Half-Elven and therefore able to choose whether to be mortal or immortal, choose very different fates.

Our Most Beloved Star by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
Six-year old Elrond and Elros are kidnapped by the Sons of Feanor and held for ransom in exchange for Luthien's Silmaril.

Another Man's Trash by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
The Ring has been destroyed, yet Barad-dur still stands. Saruman goes inside to search for anything Sauron might have left behind that will tell him how to make a Ring.

The Battle of Sarn Ford by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
In SA 1700, Sauron swept across Middle Earth on a mission to take the three Elven Rings from Gil-Galad. He was just as quickly swept back.

The Loss of Tol Sirion by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: Rape/Nonconsensual Sex
Sauron battles Luthien the great hound Huan for Tol Sirion and loses everything but the shirt on his back. No, make that everything.

Sofa City by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
After losing Isengard, Saruman has to sleep on a relative's couch.

Diplomatic Relations by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
50 years before the War of the Ring, the Mouth of Sauron is pranked by the Nazgul on his first day as Chief Ambassador for Mordor.

Eönwë's Narrow Escape by Uvatha the Horseman
Warnings: No warnings apply
Enemies fighting on opposite sides of the War of Powers, no one considered the possibility that Eönwë and Sauron, childhood friends, were still looking out for each other.