Comments on An lao ite i mbolg na bó

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Wonderful gap-filler and opportunity to feature these two (three, really) characters who fade into the background of the events of the Silm as-told. 

'Then it was little Arafinwë she saw in the set of his jaw and the softness of his gaze.' 🥺 so much grief in Lalwen's life. So glad she's able to find a remnant of her family in Ereinion. I can only hope she survives the Age with him. So much sorrow still to come...

Thank you!  Even though it was a small fic, I loved your Arafinwe and Lalwen reunion so much, I want them to have that.  Your portrayal did inform mine though I won't pretend I captured it the same way, but I love a proud, head-strong, independent Lalwen who isn't just going to give up and go back.  So maybe she does stay in Lindon after the War, helps that little seed to grow.  Be a voice of the Noldor for him, perhaps.  <3

What a sweet story! Lalwen’s weariness is palpable; my heart breaks a little imagining what she must have gone through. I love that she dares to hope just a little at the end, even weighed against all her grief and regret.

Aww, this is beautiful and bittersweet. I like the contrast between the hope/festivity/bounty of Mereth Aderthad and Lalwen's weary and ragged band of fugitives. And Lalwen going from speaking of Fingon's death to a meeting with young Gil-galad, like a tiny sprout of hope. I really liked this line: but the tended field holds the more hope.  Even if she could only water it with tears.