Eyes and Ears by Zdenka

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Eyes and Ears

Two Orcs crouch under the pines, in land conquered from the enemy. Traces of the Brighteyes remain here; they fear and hate it. Their Master has been claiming the land as His, little by little, with rotting twisted trees and plants full of thorns that burn if you touch them, with blowing dust that poisons the lungs. It’s more comfortable, but also more dangerous; the Master doesn’t care if his traps catch the Orcs. He has plenty more.

“Why’d you drag me out here?” the first Orc grumbles. A black squirrel fluffs its tail and scolds them from a branch overhead; they ignore it.

“I heard—” The second Orc looks around furtively for prying eyes. “I heard the reward for catching this Beren is even bigger now. A huge pile of gold for his head.”

“I heard he wiped out a patrol of twenty and hung them up by their guts.”

“He’s just one Man. He can’t be that bad. And think of it: fresh, hot meat every day!”

“You can’t eat meat if you’re dead.”

The squirrel bounds away through the trees to carry a warning. Beren is a friend to wild things; their eyes and ears are his.

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