Cataclysm by chrissystriped

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Melkor’s return came without warning. He had a share in all the powers of the Valar and he used them to their destruction. 

The earth shook, towers and houses breaking down into rubble. Taniquetil erupted, a rive of fire drowning Manwë’s hall. His folk flew up and were scattered by raging winds that fanned the flames and made the sea crash against the Pelori in giant waves. Rain sleeted down, drowning everything. 

In Mandos, a black sword, reforged by the greatest of smiths, was put in a mortal’s hand. 

“It is time”, Námo said.

Chapter End Notes

Written during the Instadrabbling session on 18-01-2025 for the poetry prompt: Even The Rain by Agha Shahid Ali

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