Warm air but chilly water by Aprilertuile

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Warm air but chilly water

Telperion’s light was bathing Oromë’s Wood in a quiet and eerie atmosphere that Tyelkormo loved. He alone among the elves was awake at this time of the night: it was early morning. Soon, Laurelin would wake and start to spread its golden light, and others would start to leave their reveries to start the day, and go about their duties.

But in the meantime, Tyelkormo was alone with the Maiar and Vala still doing their thing silently.

“Shouldn’t you be resting?” A quiet voice said near him.

“I assure you, Tilion, that I’m sufficiently rested.”

Saying so, Tyelkormo decided he could as well start his day now, and went to dress himself before he left Oromë’s Halls, barefoot, with only a dagger on him. He stopped by the stream, drinking the fresh and clear water flowing there.

The air was perhaps warm but the water was chilly when Tyelkormo felt a hand push him into the stream. He yelped, surprised, and before he could even think about it, he grabbed the being who pushed him in the water… Tilion let himself be caught and went down with him, laughing.

“Nice reflex, Little Hunter.” The Maia said before he disappeared from sight, leaving behind the clean scent of Telperion’s bright leaves.

Tyelkormo shook his head and left the stream. 

He wrung the water out of his hair, and went back to Oromë’s Hall where other hunters had awoken at the noise Tilion and he had made.

His entrance was punctuated with amused laughter and fond teasing from his fellow elves even as Oromë looked toward him with silent amusement. 

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