Comments on Torchsong

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Ahhh I love that she's been an influence on the song. I love her rolling her eyes at Thingol decreeing what's already happening (how I see it also). You say so much about their relationship with so little. Fantastic last paragraph. 

Oooh I didn't realise or forgot they were cousins! Interesting to see her reaction not just to Maglor but to Fingon and Lasbaneth's reactions to Maglor. Also interesting to learn from HER (not Lasbaneth) of the rift between her and Maglor that he had to work to heal. A conflict resolved often leads to a deeper bond! 

Chuckling at "That goes double for Maglor's poetry, whose complexity and triple meanings make her head spin even in her native Mithrimmin dialect."

I can totally see it. 


That is an interesting context for a performance of the Noldolante!

I enjoyed your description of this Noldorin relapse into old habits.

Very struck by that image of the Maglor in Formenos and the torch.

I liked the contrast between their two reactions, from their different vantage points!

The ways they are both included and not, because of being from Mithrim, and how that also connects them.