Dark Matter Prompt Generator

The Dark Matter challenge of February 2025 features anti-prompts: prompts that don't appear in your fanworks. Use the prompt generator below to find your prompt(s). You may use one, two, or all three categories, and you can roll the prompt generator as many times as you'd like until you land on the perfect prompt. If you want multiple prompts and like one but not the rest? Keep it and keep rolling until you get the set you want.

Please note that your browser may cache your results and the prompt generator may not work unless you are logged in!

Motifs and Tropes

Create a fanwork that doesn't include this common narrative element.

friend or foe?

Literary Techniques

Create a fanwork without using the narrative strategy you roll.

rhetorical question

Words and Letters

Create a fanwork without using the selected word, letter, or grammatical element.

the word "doom"