A kiss in a moment of adrenaline by ohboromir

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A kiss in a moment of adrenaline

The wind rustled the dark curls of Lalwen's hair, her head thrown back in a jubilant cry as she rode the crest of the wave.

She had told him she had never surfed before, and Círdan had been delighted to teach her - it was a joy to talk with her, to guide her, to share his love of the Sea, and ease the grief she wore about her like a mantle.

But the student soon became bolder than the teacher, and now she laughed at his cautious teachings. In this, it seemed, he had been wrong to give warnings. Lalwen rode on the water as steady as a pillar.

Lalwen's feet hit the sand and he cheered. She sprang up to him, bright with her triumph, and kissed him, tasting of salt and victory.

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