Comments on The Guides

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It's strange... Am I looking at an ancient vase, with paintings that depict Greek gods? This has such a feeling. And yet it's distinctly yours, with a touch of African inspiration, plus the awesome technique. And the gold!

Absolutely gorgeous! I bow before your talent.

I love the poses you've chosen for these two: Arien completely composed and in control, and Tilion tumbling - in a very graceful manner, but tumbling nonetheless - beneath her. Flowy draperies are one of my soft spots in art anyway. The gold and silver add an iconic touch.

Like Binka, I feel reminded of something ancient - Tirion's posture has kicked awake a memory of Minoan bull leaping, I think - which is nicely evocative. Awesome work on so many levels!

Oh man, your comment makes me happy. I really wanted to convey something about each of them with the way they hold their bodies and how they are oriented towards each other, so it's great to see you saw that too. :D (Flowy drapery is awesome! Though always a pain to draw I feel...)

Like I said to Binka, I kinda want to see this on a giant Greek vase now! :D

I cannot believe this painting! It is amazing! So absolutely gorgeous. The warm and cool colors, the resonnance of those qualities in the figures. I'm babbling because I am speechless. You really must be so pleased with yourself and proud of this!
