Comments on Olórwendë

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This is gorgeous! Well-worth coming out of fanfic hiatus for. I love this exploration of Aman through the eyes of the outsider—your descriptions are gorgeous and I think you've perfectly nailed the narrative style of the Silmarillion. Bravo!

Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I aimed for a beautiful idyll told in an archaicstyle, since that appeared the best fit for both the subject and the characters. The latter also surprised me, since the implied romantic content creeped into the text all by itself and contrary to my original vision. Well, it goes to show how characters can sometimes take a sort of a mind of their own (which is both exhilarating and startling when it happens).

To speak a bit more about the style: I simply adore the late Romantic and mythological styles both in Tolkien's work and older literature. But if I ever want to get my original fiction in my mother tongue (to which I have concentrated in the last few years) published, I simply can't indulge in them too much. That is because the general audience in modern times don't really buy stuff like that, and niche audiences are too small here. But Tolkien's world, which I love, is a wonderful outlet for that urge.