Comments on No Sign of Weakness

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What wonderful characterization! I can really feel the way these characters have established their relationships just from this short snippet. I do feel bad for Nelyo - although I'd like to think he often succeeds at being all that,  I've always thought the enormous pressure must have really taken its toll after Angband and later on in the First Age. A lovely fic as always! 

Great response to the prompt. I can see Tyelco being envious of Maitimo but at the same time he recognizes how much he has to live up to to want to be truly competitive with him. He also recognizes the competition Irissë has with her brothers. It's a sibling thing, transending gender really.

It's always a pleasure to read M/F enjoying their intimate moments together too. Lovely bit of fiction here saying a lot in a little space. Fun descripton of Tyelco's bad haircut too. Sounds like it suits him.

Hey! Wow! Thanks for the nice comment! I've missed you lately. (I know that is my own fault.)

I never felt very competitive with my numerous siblings, but I have to admit, as an adult, I have occasionally envied them their stability and comfort--with their big, beautiful houses and gardens. Then I remember that they live in the boondocks and I've always lived in much more interesting places. A conscious tradeoff on my part!

So happy you liked the bad haircut. She's a rebel too. That's why I like her--haring off out of Gondolin to hang out with her disreputable Feanorian cousins. I'd have done the same thing.