Comments on To Forgive

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I *love* Maitimo, and yours is someone wonderful.  He....well, he understands love and swallowing pride so much better than any others of the Noldor.  He values his brothers more than the works of his hands, and this wisdom will serve him well in the years to come.  I don't think he truly forgets it until the 5th battle. 

I'm sorry to have taken so long to reply to this, MithLuin! I had to reread the piece myself, as it's been a long time since I wrote it, and it definitely shows why I chose to follow Maitimo primarily in my stories about the Noldor. In my mind, he had the furthest to fall, as I wanted this piece to show. Thank you for reading and commenting. :)

Once upon a time, I could do nothing but write about him! :) And I still would if not for other obligations. I had to reread this piece, as it's been a long time since I wrote it, but it is definitely Classic Maitimo. I catch flak in some circles for making him "too perfect," but I think this ficlet details exactly why I chose him, because in my mind, his fall was the furthest. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ziggy!

I don't know why I decided to look at these this morning. I felt like I needed some Vintage Dawn Feanorians! Unlike others commenting here, I do not see Maedhros in this story as a sainty or outstandingly virtuous creature. But he is a young man of integrity, honor, and a mature sense of balance. His compassion and love for his brothers means that he is able to hold them together through long years of struggle and a myriad of differences of opinion and conflicts.

People instinctively see this in his actions throughout the texts--you said in a response to another comment: he had the furthest to fall. Which is one of the aspects that makes The Silmarillion tragic and not just a disaster. Why we keep reading it and why we care what happens.

Since it's a trend in replying to comments on this story ... I had to reread it to remember it. Ouch. Maybe I'll get another comment in a couple years time and will be able to remember enough to reply without having to reread it again.

I do not see Maedhros as saintly either, although that's probably the #1 complaint about AMC (mostly on, to be fair). But he's a pretty extraordinary character in the Silm, even when seen through Pengolodh's biased eyes. (Even Pengolodh can't completely eradicate that "integrity, honor, and  ... sense of balance"! :)

Thanks for reading this dusty old thing and commenting on it too!