Comments on The Election Farce of Nargothrond: Of Dumbness, Treachery, and Brotherly Love

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I have to re-read this story from the beginning. It has been a while. I hopped in here because it was my favorite chapter and I wanted to remember why. "Orodeth let out a loud snore and upset a bottle of wine." Ha! Perfect. Now I remember, why, despite the annoying difficulties it creates within my canon, I wanted to make Fingon the father of Gil-galad in my story cycle. You can take some of the blame.

Finrod is my favorite golden elf boy, second only to Tyelkormo/Celegorm (who may or may not be blond, but I've always imagined him blond) so it was definitely a treat to read about them in the same story.  The little hints you dropped about how their previous interaction with each other (i.e. "humiliating, painful capers of the Feanorians) had me hooked.

It is the details I love most about your stories, regardless of genre. I laughed out loud in the part where Finrod mulls over his oath to Beren's father and Finrod actually keeping a diary. 

Felt sorry for Celebrimbor that nobody bothered to listen to him, if only they had listened.  :^> Though I admit I had to read it a few times before I finally got it.  He reminds me of a professor of mine who could put a whole classroom to sleep just by opening his mouth.

I just love the images in this chapter: Celegorm looking with vague interest at the head healer, then picking at his nails, Finrod fidgeting with his necklace.  Wonder what Curvo would have  reacted to his son's speech.

You wrote these chapters more than two years ago, and I've only just noticed them!  World's least observant person strikes again!  Anyway, I'm glad I have found them now, because they're absolutely hilarious.  I particularly like the guard elves being so terrified of Beren - the blades of grass bending! - and Beren suffering from cognitive dissonance.  Thanks Dawn!