Comments on Revelator

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what was it that passed between you all those years ago?”

He looked at his cousin’s face, at the kind and handsome face marred so many years ago by her order, and he gave the only answer he knew how.

“Too much,” he said to his cousin. “Far too much.” He bowed his head and refused to meet his cousin’s eyes. “I am sorry. I am sorry for it all. But it is too much, and I am ashamed.”

I had an update for this, which is excellent as I can read as you post, and also that I’ve had you as a favourite author since way back :)

I’m so sorry Celebrimbor is ashamed, actually. I think he would have had to be a different person entirely for he and Mairen’s entanglement to have been any different.

I think shame is not an uncommon feeling for him, and this situation, complicated as it is, is one about which it would be natural for him to find himself feeling it again.   

There are certain things at play in which he feels that his personal quest and desire for knowledge and his personal dream for that M-E leads him to allow her into Eregion so there's guilt and shame because he feels his selfishness in that cost Eregion greatly; that the relationship becomes still more complicated makes it worse.   It is ironic because he does make certain decisions, most of which you see in Midwinter's, because he is trying to move beyond the profound sense of shame he has about his own deeds and his family's into a world where he can be proud of both.  It just doesn't work out that way. 

Wow! Well done. I was squirming in my seat for a while. Was not entirely sure how much sad and dark I could handle. The thing I like about this story is that the dark is mitigated by hope, even at this point in the story.

I am glad that you are continuing to write this. After I had read it, I immediately double-checked to see if you were labeling it a WIP or gonna leave us hanging here. 

Oh, it's done.  It needs a bit added and is in heavy revisions -- and there's very little Numenor -- Pharazôn will have to get his own show -- but it is done and will be posted from now through the fall. 
There are even witnesses ora witness, beyond Mairen and Celebrimbor. 


There is hope; thank the pandemic for that, it isn't an easy or a fix-it story but it is a tale about acceptance and finding peace.