Fanworks Tagged with Drawble/Finished Sketch

This is a Artwork fanwork

The Great Journey by Anérea

An instadrawble painting

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Mîm: 30-Day Character Study - Artwork by Artano

Artwork created for prompts for the 30-Day Character Study Challenge.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Andreth and Aegnor Reunite Beyond the Circles of the World by Anérea

An abstract sketch: After the ending of Arda v1, Andreth and Aegnor feär reunite and they are free to experience the whole of Eä together.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Material Things by Anérea

A drawble collection of Ardan objects 

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This is a Artwork fanwork

2024 Potluck Doodles by silmalope

Assorted prompt fills for the 2024 Potluck bingo boards, to varying degrees of completion! :)

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Interpreting Memories by Anérea

Andreth contemplates the different interpretations of her people's lore, memories handed down by word of mouth through the generations.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Book of Lore by Anérea

Pages from a book of ancient Edain lore, including an illustration of their creation myth.

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Gorthaur and Finrod at Tol-in-Guarhoth by Anérea

After capturing Finrod and his companions, Gorthaur attempts to discover their identities...

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Caranthir's sketches by Anérea

Quick & silly sketches from an Instadrabbling/Instadrawbling session...

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