Fanworks Tagged with Fingon/Maedhros/Maglor

This is a Writing fanwork

love me with the lights out by queerofthedagger

"Would it help,” Maedhros starts, his tone pensive and his fingers pressing more firmly against Maglor’s jaw. “Would it help if I did not forgive you as easily? If I punished you for what you did not, could not do?”

It takes a moment for Maglor to understand, Maedhros pushing images into his mind—of rope and chains and bruised skin, of pain and pleasure mingling without release.

It makes him shiver, the thrill quickly followed by shame hot enough that he wants to flinch from it.

Maglor is unable to let go of his guilt. Maedhros gets inventive about it.

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This is a Writing fanwork

melodies by hanneswrites

Maedhros watches on as Maglor & Fingon try to settle a debate over whose harp is better. | Years of the Trees, Quenya Names Used

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents