Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Boromir lives!
...but then what? What might one additional man desperate to return to the defense of his homeland accomplish after cheating death?
A jaunty (I lie, we go Angst, here) romp through canon-adjacency
The line of Dol Amroth have often given birth to dreamers, people who see things invisible to others - some claim it a curse, some a blessing carried by their ancient Elven blood.
Imrahil, fresh from the battle of the Pelennor, names it loss.
Or hope?
A runaway conversation about runaway horses.
Early in the Fourth Age, some of our heroes meet at Bree, including Merry, Elrohir, Faramir and Eowyn.
In the evening, the conversation takes an unexpected turn; stories are told and the stories range widely...
A Tale for the New Year (originally written in January 2019).
A collection for stories about the Edain.
Recently added: The chair (Sador Labadal)
Aragorn, as the first Gondorian king in nearly a thousand years, chose as his wife an unknown lady from an Elven kingdom. Certainly this would create some friction between Arwen and certain elements of Gondor's stratified society. Imrahil has an idea for how to help her, but to put it in motion, he needs help from an unlikely ally - the new queen's father.