Fanworks Tagged with Salmar

This is a Reference fanwork

Salmar-Noldorin by Dawn Felagund

Salmar appeared early in the legendarium in a muddled variety of roles only to disappear swiftly, known in the published text as the artificer of the horns of Ulmo, the Ulumúri.

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W by Himring

Short pieces for the "Words of Wit and Whimsey" challenge. 

I. Wains

II. The Walrus That Went South

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This is a Writing fanwork

All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Fly." Fingon's faith in his friendship with Maedhros leads him to the decision to rescue him.
"Salt." Uinen discovers the kinslaying.
"Sunship." Nerdanel places the final cog in the sunship as an act of resistance.
"No One Heard That." The histories withheld some details of Fëanor's muster of the Noldor.
"Cracked." Námo explains death to a young Fëanor.
"Sunship, Reprise." The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea.
"Shadows beyond a Campfire." The sons of Fëanor build a campfire after the Nirnaeth.
"The Neologist." Pengolodh on language and history at three points in Gondolin's history.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Strangers in a Strange Land by My blue rose

It is said that Amandil set sail into the West, taking with him three servants and never again were they heard of by word or sign. This is the tale of Amandil’s fate.

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Brain Fog by Huinare

The Maiar shortly to arrive in Middle-earth as the Istari are faced with an unsettling precondition to their participation in the mission. Salmar has opinions. Curumo has justifications. Alatar has a flask.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Brief History of the Fall of Utumno by Huinare

Regarding the siege of Utumno by Valinor, as seen from various characters’ viewpoints.  
(Very well.  As seen mostly from the dark vantage.  It’s me we’re talking about here..)
Assembled responses to Tolkien Weekly’s “Natural Disasters” drabble challenge (Apr-May 2012).

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