Solve a Problem

July 2019 SWG challenge Solve a Problem banner with a stack of Tolkien's books

Tolkien's canon is challenging, not least of all because it was unfinished, leaving lots of contradictions, confusions, and details that just plain don't make sense.

For this month's challenge, create a fanwork that solves a canon problem. You can come up with your own favorite (or most frustrating!) canon problem to solve, or choose one of the member-submitted canon problems from the list below.

This challenge opened in .


Choose your prompt from the collection below.

View Prompts

Note that prompts below are optional.

  • What is Gil-galad's parentage?
  • How long did Maedhros hang or Thangorodrim … or how did Maedhros hang on Thangorodrim so long?
  • Anything to do with the name shell game for Amrod and Amras.
  • Who was the narrator of The Silmarillion? Was it Rúmil and Pengolodh or some Númenórean guy?
  • Why does a utopian place like Gondolin have a designated place for executions?
  • Is Curufin really renowned? We know what Fëanor and Celebrimbor created … but what about Curufin’s inventions?
  • How do you solve a problem like Gildor? Where does he fit in, where does he live, what was his parentage?
  • What was the ecosystem of Middle-earth like when there was only darkness?
  • Flat world? Round world? Settle that debate or any issues to do with the shape and remaking of the world.
  • What is the afterlife for the sentient and talking animals of Middle-earth?
  • What is the afterlife like for Dwarves?
  • Elven maturity is said to happen at 50 years. Is this in Tree Years or Sun Years? How does that translate?
  • On the subject of aging, Tolkien had two ideas about the maturation of young Elves. From Laws and Customs among the Eldar (HoMe X): "The Eldar grew in bodily form slower than Men, but in mind more swiftly." From The Line of Elros (UT): "Thus (as the Eldar) they [Númenóreans] grew at much the same rate as other Men ...." So how does one make sense of this?
  • What are the origins and/or afterlives of Orcs?
  • Are Orcs capable of redemption?
  • Defying physics and biology: anything on giant spiders and mountain-sized flying dragons.
  • Did Amrod burn with the ships?
  • Did Húrin's chair have a flush? … or any matters related to excremental necessity.
  • And The Classic: Do Balrogs have wings?
  • How did Elves who lost mates before the Statute of Finwë and Míriel or who were unaware of the law handle situations of new love and remarriage?
  • So about all those "tallest" Elves and Númenóreans: Who was actually the tallest? (Or maybe none of them were?)
  • What status or title did Maglor assume after Maedhros was captured?
  • What was the relationship between Imin, Tata, and Enel and Ingwë, Finwë, Elwë, and Olwë?
  • If the palantíri were made by Fëanor, why do we not see them being used in all sorts of canon situations when communications were critical?
  • Coimas & lembas: The only Elven grain or just the most magical?
  • Anything to do with the logistics around the anatomical and aerodynamic likelihood of a bird big enough to carry two men on its back. (Also what that might say about the bird poop issue around Gondolin.)
  • Why doesn't Valinor get full if no one ever dies and each new generation of Elves keeps having children? That's exponential population growth. How do the Valar feed all these Elves on a fixed amount of arable land? Or will Aman just keep magically expanding (at an ever-increasing pace!) until the Dagor Dagorath?
  • Orodreth: son of Finarfin or son of Angrod?
  • The many conflicting hair colors of Celegorm.
  • "Of The Ruin of Doriath": This chapter was almost entirely constructed by Christopher Tolkien and Guy Kay. Play with that idea.
  • What was Daeron's relationship with Lúthien? Were they siblings, as mentioned in an early text? Something else?
  • Everything about Middle-earth's man of mystery, Erestor.
  • What's up with the two Glorfindels? Are they the same character?
  • Anything and everything about Laws and Customs among the Eldar: its multiple contradictions with other texts, its problematic historiographical circumstances, what its laws would actually look like.
  • What was the relationship between Eöl and Aredhel actually like?
  • Galadriel and Celeborn are given multiple different, contradictory stories in Unfinished Tales. Wherein lies the truth?
  • Did Celebrimbor actually have a crush on Galadriel?
  • Is the Doom of Mandos a curse or a prophecy (or something else)?
  • Was Tar-Míriel forced to marry Ar-Pharazôn or did she love him?
  • Why would Fingon bring a harp when he went to rescue Maedhros?
  • Who is Mandos and why, if he has such keen foresight, is he so rarely listened to?
  • Why was Mandos chosen to look after the dead when other characters, such as Irmo, might be more suitable?
  • Are the Silmarils living creatures, just like the Two Trees or Elves? Could they even be real children of Fëanor?

Fanworks Tagged with Solve a Problem

This is a Writing fanwork

Smudged by cuarthol

“My lord!  Excellent news!”

Gil-galad looked up, expectation mixed with mild humor on his face at the eager young scribe who had come to stand before him.

The scribe held up an old, water-damaged tome and declared with absolute assurance, “We finally know who your father is!”


Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Through a Mirror Darkly by HannaGoldworthy

Year 2510 of the Third Age: Celebrian arrives in Valinor during Sovalle, a new (for her) feast of repentance and reconciliation.  And, much to her suprise and discomfort, she's not the only new face hanging around...

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Walking the Starlit Road by Independence1776

After creating the musical The Saga of the Rings with his nephew, Maglor struggles to find his place in a greatly changed Aman.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Hope in the Hills by My blue rose

Nerdanel discovers a secret hidden in the wilds of Aman. Or, on the (literal) afterlives of Orcs.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Out of the Darkling West by Lindariel

Teleporno and Alatáriel arrive in Middle-Earth.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Thorondor's Rescue of Maedhros - Realistic or Not? by Grundy

How realistic are Thorondor and the eagles of Manwë? Could eagles of such size actually fly, much less carry people on their backs?

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Who is the tallest? More Heat than Light on Height in Tolkien’s World by oshun

I beg your indulgence for this, my entry for the "Solve a problem" challenge. I realize the problem is all mine. Who IS the tallest? Or does it matter? What was Tolkien thinking?

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Nandëlírë by Lferion

Why did Fingon take a harp with him to rescue Maedhros? A quadruple-drabble.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Future Set In Stone by Tyelca

The truth behind the Mirror of Galadriel.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Neither Linguist Nor King by eris_of_imladris

There is no word for what he is now.

Written for the "Solve a Problem" challenge for the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

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A Hairy Situation by eris_of_imladris

A young Celegorm questions his hair color after a remark from his older brother.

Written for the "Solve a Problem" challenge on the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

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Of Elwing's obsession, of Celegorm's hair by liruinielfeanoriel

A retelling of Elwing’s short-lived tragedy, from childhood to the Kinslaying of Sirion, of her obsession with the Silmaril and the strand of Celegorm’s hair that changed the course of Arda’s History.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A half-life, a cursed life by Lyra

Anárion discusses the specifics of Maedhros' and Húrin's captivity with his brother, and comes to a chilling conclusion.

Rated Adult for some discussion of torture.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Elostirion by hennethgalad

Gildor Inglorion invites Merry and Pippin to ride to Elostirion with him, in the second year of the fourth age.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Fair vs Fair: A Meta by StarSpray

A look at Tolkien's use of the word "fair" as a descriptor in The Silmarillion.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Orca by Himring

An orc escapes into the hands of Ulmo.

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