Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Spellbound by Glaurung, Father of Dragons, Túrin abandons Princess Finduilas and runs on a fool’s errand. But what if she doesn't wait in vain for a rescuer that will never come, and fights back? Perhaps then Túrin can evade his doom after all.
- A fix-it version of the Silmarillion tragedy, but the first two chapters are canon compliant and can be read as a standalone piece. Written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2021, with cover art by Zomburai
Elf children are more precocious than human children, says Tolkien. But some elf children are even more so.
The closest thing to Bradir/Niniel fluff that has ever been written.
A collection for stories about the Edain.
Recently added: The chair (Sador Labadal)