
Favorite Fanworks

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Favorite Creators

Dawn Felagund

Dawn, you are the rock on which new grounds in lore are build. Your words ring with the truth of history and channel the dark magesty of Middle Earth's most facinating figures. Your Feanor is by far the best I've read yet, and I look forward to reading more ASAP. Hail great elf friend!


Dawn, you are the rock on which new grounds in lore are build. Your words ring with the truth of history and channel the dark magesty of Middle Earth's most facinating figures. Your Feanor is by far the best I've read yet, and I look forward to reading more ASAP. Hail great elf friend!

Spiced Wine

This author inspired me to take a more dark realistic view on Gondolin in my own writings. Really made the break-through. Thank god we have writers like this to shine a light.