Fanworks Tagged with Family

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Chase the Wind by StarSpray

Then he heard movement in the bushes. He tensed, hand going to the hilt of his knife, but the next sound to emerge was a small whimper. “Eluréd?” called Elurín from across the camp.
“One moment,” said Eluréd. He crept closer to the sound, and parted a few branches to find a bundle of blankets, tightly wrapped, and something squirming and crying inside them.
“What is it?” Elurín asked from behind him.
“A child.”

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Lumpy Dumplings by Rocky41_7

Elwing lets the twins help her in the kitchen.

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The Haunting of Faramir by Raiyana

The line of Dol Amroth have often given birth to dreamers, people who see things invisible to others - some claim it a curse, some a blessing carried by their ancient Elven blood.
Imrahil, fresh from the battle of the Pelennor, names it loss.
Or hope?

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Sunshine by chrissystriped

After Sauron's defeat and the return of the army to Minas Tirith, Éomer goes to see his sister and finds her changed.

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Laurelindórenan by Anérea

Two figures under autumn/winter mallorn trees in the golden wood of Lothlórien.

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The Sound of Lightning by sabcatt

Ñolofinwë’s eldest has always been flighty. Early in the First Age, Findekáno disappears three ways.

Written for the fan_flashworks challenge “storm”.

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In After Days by StarSpray

Something out near the entrance to the bay caught his eye. It was a small, dark shape on the water, slowly growing larger. As it passed into Eldamar out of Belegaer, Eärendil felt his breath catch. “Elwing,” he said.
“I see it.” She leaned farther out of the window, as though those few inches might grant her a better look. She had one hand raised to shield her eyes from the sun’s glare. “It looks like—”
“Yes, but it can’t be.”

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Lords of Amon Ereb by JazTheBard

Maedhros and Maglor have stolen the Silmarils and disappeared. Beleriand is sinking. Finarfin, Gil-Galad, and all the people moving east pay a visit to Amon Ereb, assuming that the Sons of Fëanor returned there.

Instead, they find Elrond and Elros.

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To Justify Your Existence by JazTheBard

In which Maedhros dies and has some explaining to do to his family.

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Skipping Song by Himring

A skipping game, and how it connects the children of Hurin and how it doesn't.

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The Voyage of the Sand Piper by Himring

In the Years of the Trees, Cirdan and a young relative of his, Voronwe's mother, decide to go on a voyage together. It promises to be an enjoyable trip. Nevertheless, Beleriand at this time is less peaceful than it was, if not as dangerous as it will one day become.

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Woven with Ribbons by StarSpray

Ereinion sat on his bed holding up a mirror; its frame was ornate and heavy, but he kept it steady as he watched his father’s slender fingers twist his hair into braids befitting a Prince of Noldor. Into the braids Fingon wove ribbons—not golden threads like he wore himself, but yellow silk, bright and sunny.

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Shadows Laid Before the Sun by Idrils Scribe

When Caranthir picks one fight too many with their Arafinwëan cousins, Maedhros drags him east before he single-handedly shatters the Leaguer of Angband.
On their way to Himring the feuding brothers must cross Nan Dungortheb. Not even the mighty Sons of Fëanor will emerge unscathed from the Valley of Dreadful Death.

STORY COMPLETE. Chapter 8: “We cannot kill it, can we?” Carnistir asked, and looked aside to see the scarred lines of Maitimo’s face harden.

A Halloween gift for Dawn Felagund. Many thanks to Anoriath and Grundy for the beta, and to Lyra for her Quenya translation skills!

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Bearer of Chiaroscuro by AdmirableMonster

Mairon flees Angband to warn his lovers in Gondolin of the impending fall of the city.

Written for the 2022 Matryoshka Challenge (Difficult setting! :B)

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All the Stars are Faded by ArizonaPoppy

On a camping trip by the Aeluin, Finrod is concerned by his brother’s unguarded attitude toward Andreth.

This story was a submission in the Teitho Contest "Five Ingredients IV" challenge.

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Carved in Bone by Maggie Honeybite

Elenwë tries to protect her daughter. A story about the connection between mothers and daughters which neither time nor distance (or death) can erase.

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Gil-galad, son of... by chrissystriped

Kashnai died when she tried to bring her son to safety. Now she is reborn and her greatest wish is to see him again.
Ereinion has wished for all his life to be able to meet his mother, but given that she was an orc, he hadn't thought it would ever be possible.

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of roots and where they lie by hanneswrites

Thranduil catches the eye of Melian during his youth in Doriath and she takes him on as one of her apprentices. Over time, he learns both how to control his innate magical potential and the cost of protecting those you care about. Genfic with Magic!Thranduil, focus on Thranduil & Melian and Thranduil & Legolas.

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What Your Life Is by StarSpray

"Surely not." At the sound of his voice the great shaggy shape stirred, and turned its head. Behind him Asar called out, asking a question, but Maglor barely heard him. He fell to his knees in the wet sand, staring into eyes that gleamed with ancient Treelight and even older starlight. Then his face was being licked clean of tears by a giant tongue, and he was both laughing and crying as he flung his arms around the dog's shoulders, burying his face in wet fur, hardly caring that it was still crusted with sand that scraped against his cheeks. "Huan, what are you doing here?"

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It Should Be Made Again by StarSpray

“Narsil!” Malbeth coughed again. “It will be reforged—when Isildur’s Bane is found."

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Guards! Guards! by JazTheBard

Maglor is once again skulking around Rivendell to hear news of Elrond, but this time the guards catch him and drag him to see his... estranged son? former hostage? Angst ensues.

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Story-Telling Wanderer by JazTheBard

Aragorn doesn't meet the hobbits in Bree. Maglor, however, does.

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Whatever I Shall Meet by StarSpray

Hildifons Took has gone off adventuring, but hasn't returned. So Belladonna and Donnamira decide to go searching.

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