Within the Circles of the World by Russandol

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Fanwork Notes

Within the Circles of the World

B2MeM 2010

Fanwork Information


Everything seemed to indicate the impossible, that somehow it had materialised out of nothingness.

The world begins to change its shape; the Dagor Dagorath draws nigh...

Written as a teaser story for B2MeM 2010.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Science Fiction


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 215
Posted on 12 April 2010 Updated on 12 April 2010

This fanwork is complete.


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Sad? Well, I guess it's a sort of the beginning of the end, and I tried to make it a little ominous for that reason. I've been a sci-fi fan since I was in my early teens; the opportunity of a space setting for a Tolkien related fic was irresistible.

Thanks for your encouraging reviews, Aerlinn. They work wonders to make me want to write more!

Haha, I'm afraid I make very little sense. I meant sad as in - in reality a star is just a star. It was a little omnious yes, but the fact that myths and stories are just that in reality was what made me sad in this story - because you managed to mix a suffienctly realistic ( though not very happy) future earth with the fantasy of Aman- only in reality, it would just be that. A lot of humans on a polluted planet, no flying ships, no elves, just stars, eventually imploding. 

The allusion to the imploding constellation Orion (which Tolkien called Melemakar) is derived from this passage in History of Middle-earth, Morgoths's Ring "Now Varda took the light that issued from Telperion and was stored in Valinor and she made stars newer and brighter. And many other of the ancient stars she gathered together and set as signs in the heavens of Arda. The greatest of these was Menelmakar, the Swordsman of the Sky. This, it is said, was a sign of Turin Turambar, who should come into the world, and a foreshowing of the Last Battle that shall be at the end of Days."

So, the Darkness of Melkor is beginning to spread as he escapes from the Void and Orion's twinkling marks the arrival of Turin to fight him. And in the middle, Valinor comes into the real world again and poor Alvin is stuck watching it from his perch on the sky. I hope that makes more sense.

Thanks again for reading!