A Small (Mis)Adventure by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

Continuing my tradition of Matryoshka challenges in Gondolin...

Fanwork Information


When Tuor can't find Eärendil, he sends for Maeglin to help.

Major Characters: Eärendil, Maeglin, Tuor

Major Relationships: Eärendil & Maeglin


Challenges: Secret Gate

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 171
Posted on 8 July 2023 Updated on 8 July 2023

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on A Small (Mis)Adventure

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Such a nice family atmosphere.

Good that they managed to get Rian's pendant fixed and even better that they managed to involve Earendil himself in the fixing!

Neat that the pendant turned out to be out of glass. It seems to suit its background, but also gives the opportunity for some convincing craft description!

Oh, so cute!  I love how Maeglin coaxes him out and helps him fix the item.  Poor little Earendil, it never feels good to be the cause of something broken, but I'm so glad it was able to be if not mended exactly then at least restored after a fashion.