Comments on Fell Fire

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Yes, that is the question: gift or doom, punishment, or what? 

When I was younger, I wrote a (never finished, and in some parts extremely selfpainting) story of Finrod, meeting a woman of that part of mankind, that did not fall under doom. They still kept the promise of Iluvatar to leave the circles of the world, but the could choose the time to do so. Remember the following story, told by Andreth's relative. 

Before Finrod was slain, he had this woman impregnated with a daughter, and she met Andreth and gave her hope, and was finally saved by her. My way to deal with this...                                                                In my opinion, it has always been quite unfair and extremely egocentric of Aegnor to leave her this way.  Why should it fit better to Idril or to Luthien to watch their husbands age and die? Is it really Andreth's only being young and beautiful, to make her attractive for Aegnor? Meeseems she has lots more to offer!


And in the dialogue, and in your story, Finrod seems to recognize and appriciate,too.

Yes, and me ,too, had the idea, they all might meet again, in the next song before Iluvatar, and Aegnor might have the possibility to behave braver. 

The last thing, I would like to add:Yes, now, I am getting older, I understand: the world outside, is not the world I used to love, when I was younger, and no effort I ever did, could make the lightest change.

Maybe the day will come, when I'll be glad to leave it, and don' t be punished with effortless attempts, try to save it.


Bye, Lia Sullhach