Comments on The Dower of Dol Amroth

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I love those etymological notes.  I've been known to spin whole novellas off of them (or at least conceptualizations within such) from such things. ;^)

I love what you've done with that tidbit here, Dwim.  It's a bittersweet little tale of mortal Men and the Firstborn, akin but separate, and yet, how their interwoven lives gave root to Dol Amroth.  A very nice look back at the latter's origins.  I especially liked the description of the sea.

Hi Pande - yeah, those etymologies and place-names are fertile fanfic ground! The sea is always such a great character to write, and so useful for creating mood. Writing this piece coming off of B2MeM2010, both inter-species relationships and the sea were fresh in my mind, and seemed to go together very nicely, particularly in this case.


Thanks for commenting - I'm glad you enjoyed the story! - Dwim