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Member since 4 July 2007.

About Me

NOTE: Thanks to the fact that my Dark Muse has me well and truly chained to a demanding but rewarding career (see the following paragraph), I am on hiatus from recreational writing.  That does not mean I have abandoned the notion of writing fan fic and continuing the WIPs.  They're just resting.  I hope to return to my stalled WIPs once I retire, which is imminent.

"pandemonium_213" is yet another of my numerous aliases. I'm a biochemist (Ph.D. and post-doc with the scars to prove it) and now a glorified orc-scribe, a.k.a. regulatory medical writer, who supports the machinations of the Dark Lords of Pharma-dûr.  I currently reside in that city on the hill: Tirion-on-Túnafish a.k.a. Boston, Massachusetts.

I am a longtime Tolkien fan, having first read JRRT’s works in the Years of the Lamps, i.e., from 1966 and onward. My non-fiction JRRT related essay may be found on the reference section of the SWG. 

The majority of my fannish fictional hackery wallows self-indulgently here on the SWG where Trinity is the foundation of the Pandë!verse. The rest goes downhill from there.

I also fritter away precious time as lucifers-cuvette on tumblr, but I do not post fic there.

A Chronology of the Pandë!verse

Many thanks to Russandol for assembling the chronology. Broken links are now removed.

Some stories that take place outside the chronological framework of The Silmarillion (or only touch upon the legends therein) are archived on Many Paths to Tread. I am in the slow process of archiving stories on An Archive of Our Own. A number of the stories listed in the chronology may also be found on my auxiliary LiveJournal site: Ost-in-Edhil.  The LJ fics are in various states of access from public to friends-only to filtered, the latter only because these stories are truly in a state of development. Please feel free to friend Ost-in-Edhil, and I'll hand out keys to the Vaults of the Mírdain.  My sincere apologies for any delays. 



A Brief Introduction

Motivations for heresy and the flagrantly non-canonical

The Tolkienian War on Science

Philosophia to Philomythus and Misomythus


Light Over the Mountain


Ulmo's Wife


Tears for The Fallen

Years of the Trees (Pre-Hiding of Valinor)

Eau de Olórin

Unweaving the Rainbow

First Age

A Yule Kiss at Himring

Second Age

Post-War of Wrath

How the East was Won



A Place to Rest

The Apprentice

Risk Assessment

A Fragile Chalice

Songs of Stone and Mountain

The Writhen Pool

Till Fire Purge All Things New

Cat's Paws

Broken Star

Winter's Drums

The Jinn


Chronicles of the Fifth Voyage of the Númerrámar: The Loremaster Arrives



Into This Wild Abyss

The Man Who Grew Tomatoes

Moon of the Sea

Second – Third Age

The Elendilmir

Third Age

The Years of the Necromancer

Fell Meats

War of the Ring


Red Herring

Inner Light

The Glitter of Swords

The Token

The Good Broideress

Examination (by SurgicaSteel)

Post War

The Kindness of Strangers

Kindness Repaid (by Surgical Steel)

Caught in the Act

Athrabeth Serindë ah Mélamírë: The Gift (by surgicalsteel and pandemonium_213)


About the Lights



Fourth Age



Morning Coffee

Song of Summer

Scent of the Sea

A Gate Opens

A Cautionary Tale

Flame of the Desert

A Rose by Any Other Name

The Prisoner and the Hobbit (co-authored with Dreamflower)

Modern times


The Name of the Game


SWG Fifth Birthday Banner

Thanks to the following for the tokens given to me during the SWG Fifth Birthday celebration.  The number of tokens and names don't match (some are buried with the stories themselves) so forgive me if I have inadvertently excluded anyone:

Rhapsody:  "Eau d'Olorin" for The Golden Vial of Oil Award and "Moon of the Sea" for the Melian's Girdle token.

Angelica:  "How the East Was Won" for The Power and the Passion token.

Lyra: "Into this Wild Abyss" for You Made Me Love You (I didn't want to do it) token.

Russandol:  "Eau de Olorin" for the Most Delightful Heresy and for the Not That There's Anything Wrong with That tokens

Surgical Steel: "The Elendilmir" for the It's Only a Flesh Wound token.

elfscribe: the Most Delightful Heresy token (general)

Oshun: "The Elendilmir" for the Melian's Girdle token

Spiced Wine:  Melian's Girdle token for exceptional adult-rated fiction involving women.

IgnobleBard: The Splutter token for writing most likely to induce a sudden monitor bath.

Olorime: Velvet Darkness for excellent dark-themed writing. 

Spiced Wine: Most Delightful Heresy.

Robinka: The Wordsmith token as a writer who excels at her craft.

Dawn et alia: Unsung Hero for contributions to the SWG Newsletter and Reference sections.

 Velvet DarknessMost Delightful HeresyThe SplutterVelvet DarknessThe WordsmithMost Delightful HeresyMost Delightful HeresyIt's only a Flesh WoundSWG Unsung Hero

Fanworks by pandemonium_213

This is a Writing fanworkThe Elendilmir by pandemonium_213

A young child of Men befriends Sámaril, the troubled master smith of Imladris. The Noldorin craftsman experiences the joy and pain born of friendships between the Eldar and mortal Men and comes to question his people’s values as his life becomes entwined with Isildur’s youngest son and two powerful women of the Dúnedain. A sequel to The Apprentice.

Chapter 38 - The Crow's Nest:  While Elerina establishes her informal seat of power in Gaillond, thus revealing to Sámaril her former role as Isildur's queen,  the elven-smith quickly becomes bored with trade negotiations and resolution of disputes among the local nobility.  The reminders of Isildur continue to exert a negative effect on Sámaril, causing frustration between the couple.  But Sámaril also begins to dream of the Sea, which sparks a desire to take ship out on to the open waters, ostensibly to learn more about the working men of the Númenórean exiles.   He finds the ship on which he wishes to sail and meets its captain.  

Major Characters: Elendil, Elrond, Glorfindel, Original Character(s), Sauron, Valandil
Major Relationships:
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama Challenges: Strong Women
Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 39 Word Count: 182, 003
Posted on 12 January 2008 Updated on 18 February 2025
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Prisoner and the Hobbit by pandemonium_213, Dreamflower

A prisoner in the Halls of Mandos, although grateful to be alive, nonetheless finds his days to be monotonous, that is, until a most unusual person, and one whose life was affected greatly by the prisoner's masterwork, accepts an offer to begin a correspondence.     


Major Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama, Humor Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes
Chapters: 9 Word Count: 62, 072
Posted on 22 October 2011 Updated on 30 January 2025
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkEau de Olórin by pandemonium_213

Olórin spies on the Doomsman of the Valar and the Master of Dreams, hoping to catch them in flagrante delicto. What he sees is terrifying yet oh, so compelling.

MEFA 2009: Honorable Mention - Humor: General 

Update! Chibis by whitewave added! Please see her Gallery of Chibis on Photobucket. Many thanks, whitewave.

Major Characters: Gandalf, Lórien, Mandos
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 651
Posted on 28 February 2009 Updated on 17 January 2025
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkTrinity by pandemonium_213

Three scientists discuss technology and responsibility in the Jornada del Muerto Valley on July 19, 1945.

Highly AU.  Not allegorical, but perhaps applicable.

MEFA 2008: First Place, Modern Times, General.


Major Characters: Historical Character(s), Fëanor, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Experimental, Science Fiction Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Expletive Language
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 4, 999
Posted on 7 July 2007 Updated on 16 February 2024
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkSaltation by pandemonium_213

Per his notes in HoMe XI, The War of the Jewels concerning the tale of the Awakening of the Elves by Cuiviénen, Tolkien wrote the following:  "Actually written (in style and simple notions) to be a surviving Elvish 'fairytale' or child s tale, mingled with counting-lore."  

Clearly, this leaves room for alternative origin stories. This is one.

Written for Grey Gazania's birthday.

Major Characters: Ulmo, Valar
Major Relationships:
Genres: General, Science Fiction Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 499
Posted on 28 December 2012 Updated on 25 May 2021
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Series fanworkSongs of Stone and Mountain by pandemonium_213

I have alluded to the deep friendship between Dísa, a noble Dwarf-woman of the House of Narvi, and Mélamírë, the Second Age elven-smith of Ost-in-Edhil, in previous stories of the Pandë!verse, e.g., Chapter 28 of The Elendilmir and Chapter 4 of The Writhen Pool.  I figured I\'d gather their stories in one place as a series.

So.  OFCs.  Pandë!verse.  Those should be ample warnings.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 7 March 2021 Updated on 16 March 2021
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This is a Series fanworkSongs of Stone and Mountain by pandemonium_213

I have alluded to the deep friendship between Dísa, a noble Dwarf-woman of the House of Narvi, and Mélamírë, the Second Age elven-smith of Ost-in-Edhil, in previous stories of the Pandë!verse, e.g., Chapter 28 of The Elendilmir and Chapter 4 of The Writhen Pool.  I figured I\'d gather their stories in one place as a series.

So.  OFCs.  Pandë!verse.  Those should be ample warnings.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 7 March 2021 Updated on 16 March 2021
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This is a Audio fanworkTrinity by pandemonium_213

Three scientists discuss technology and responsibility in the Jornada del Muerto Valley on July 19, 1945.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Podfic Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Expletive Language
Posted on 1 May 2013 Updated on 7 March 2021
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This is a Reference fanworkThe Tolkienian War on Science by Dr. Joan Bushwell

Biochemist and long-time Tolkien fan, Doc Bushwell argues that the events and ideas expressed in Tolkien's works often demonstrate a strong disdain for science and technology.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 26 April 2007 Updated on 25 February 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkDiscrete Elements by pandemonium_213

A catch-all for short ficlets, largely centering on yet another OFC in the Pandë!verse, namely Culinen (referenced in various fics, including The Elendilmir and The Writhen Pool), who eventually becomes the master of the Guild of the Heart (healers' guild) in Ost-in-Edhil, and who contributes to the "eldritch alleles" of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hypatia of Alexandria, and Hedy Lamarr (among others!) in the alternative history of the Pandë!verse.

Ratings will be given per chapter.

Major Characters: Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 659
Posted on 3 January 2016 Updated on 3 January 2016
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkSongs of Stone and Mountain by pandemonium_213

I have previously alluded to the deep friendship between Dísa, the noble Dwarf-woman of the House of Narvi, and Mélamírë, the Second Age elven-smith of Ost-in-Edhil, e.g., Chapter 28 of The Elendilmir and Chapter 4 of The Writhen Pool.   This is a collection of stories about these two OFCs of the Pandë!verse.

So.  OFCs.  Pandë!verse.  That's fair warning.  Probably of interest to a limited audience.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 2, 887
Posted on 3 January 2015 Updated on 3 January 2015
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Writhen Pool by pandemonium_213

When the Istyari of Second Age Ost-in-Edhil deny her a place in an important new initiative to be taken up by the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, a young master smith struggles to make her mark in the man's realm of the forges.   An opportunity arrives when the smith is offered a commission that will present challenges of both mind and heart.


Rated Adult.  Specific advisories will be posted per chapter as needed.

Two — count 'em, two — new chapters posted!

Chapter 10, In the Bright Light of Morning

Summary:  The morning after arriving in Ost-in-Edhil, Elrond and Erestor each suffer from the aches and pains of the long road from Mithlond as well as from other sources.

Chapter 11, The Path's Heart

Summary: Elrond finds a nearly comatose Mélamírë in dire straits.  She resists his attempts to reach her through sanwe-latya, until, with her permission, he gives her a bitter medicine that allows them to share a dream, called the lugnolossê by an ancient shaman of the Unbegotten.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Dwarves, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Original Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama Challenges: Strong Women
Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 11 Word Count: 58, 859
Posted on 18 April 2013 Updated on 20 September 2014
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkWinter's Drums by pandemonium_213, Huinare

Story by pandemonium_213: The grisly banner having served its purpose, Sauron enlists the assistance of his soldiers and bodyguard to bear Celebrimbor's corpse to its final resting place in the foothills of the Misty Mountains while a snowstorm approaches from the southwest.  

Note:  Descriptions of torture and a deteriorating corpse may be too intense for some readers (roughly equivalent to MPAA R-rating or TV Ratings Mature Audience); some expletive language.  Pandë!versecentric.

Illustrations by Huinárë: Title: 1. "Examining His Work" / 2. "Thundersnow" Pencil illustration / Construction paper collage.  Rating: G

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Original Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Torture, Character Death, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6, 166
Posted on 22 March 2014 Updated on 22 March 2014
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkFell Meats by pandemonium_213

Sauron recounts his discovery of the fell beasts to Finrod, who visits the former Dark Lord during his imprisonment in the Halls of Mandos, in a tale of adventure and a bit of the macabre.

Pandë!verse-centric.  A little gory, some coarse language, mild sexual references.

Chapter 2 added:  Over tankards of ale, served in the replica of a familiar inn, Sauron continues his tale to Finrod:  his instructions to the Lord of the Nazgûl (who receives a disagreeable task); his uncertainties concerning the wisdom of leaving Mordor; and his journey to Layla’s homeland, where the Forbidden Valley lies.

Major Characters: Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Adventure Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 9, 079
Posted on 28 November 2013 Updated on 8 December 2013
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkOrcling by pandemonium_213

During a Second Age equivalent of a natural history "field trip" in the upper Vale of the Glanduin River, a young Mélamírë finds her father's penchant for turning everything into a lesson to be stifling. Taking advantage of Father's unexpected nap, she sets off on a little expedition of her own, intending to return by sunset. However, she makes a discovery that turns what she intended as an afternoon's adventure into something far more harrowing and that challenges what she has been taught.

Rated Teen/PG13 equivalent for moderate violence; heads up for Pandë!verse-centrism

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Adventure Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 12, 917
Posted on 6 February 2013 Updated on 9 February 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkGothmog and Draugluin by pandemonium_213

“Gothmog and Draugluin” follows the antics of two Tolkienian icons who were not all about smiting and devouring but had fun, too. Little Gothmog lives in Thangorodrim with his mom (Ulbandi Fluithuin) and dad (Melkor, Black Foe of the World). Melkor’s right-hand man and Gothmog’s babysitter -- Professor Thû ("I'm not a babysitter. I'm an observer!") -- makes appearances, too. Gothmog and Draugluin also share this space with “Stinky Pete” Mêshûgganâscar, Maia of Mandos, and his pals.

"Gothmog and Draugluin" appears monthly sporadically in the SWG newsletter. View the Table of Contents for a full listing of comics.

Major Characters: Draugluin, Fingon, Gothmog, Maedhros, Mandos, Melkor, Original Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Comic Strip, Humor Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings:
Chapters: 20 Word Count: 26, 029
Posted on 19 September 2010 Updated on 23 November 2012
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkLesion by pandemonium_213

Something is rotten within the heartwood of Nimloth.  

Written in response to the prompt "Second Age — Sauron, Ar-Pharazôn — under the White Tree of Númenor" for the Comment!Ficathon for the LOTR World.

Major Characters: Ar-Pharazôn, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 897
Posted on 10 December 2011 Updated on 10 December 2011
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This is a Writing fanworkA Rose By Any Other Name by pandemonium_213

A sequel to Flame of the Desert.

On a hot summer afternoon, Glorfindel visits Elrond at his estate in Kortirion Province of Tol Eressëa. Elrond's longtime friend brings word from Gilfanon: invitations to a party in celebration of the blooming of one of Gilfanon's favorite roses; the Vanyarin ambassador and his retinue have been invited as special guests.  Gilfanon also sends peculiar garments that he has specifically instructed Elrond and Glorfindel to wear.  Elrond is wary.  He remembers all too well that escapade with Gilfanon in the desert of Valinor, but his inner imp of adventure inspires him, and Elrond experiences a night to remember.

Cameo appearances by Erestor and Mablung.

A bit risqué, a little bawdy, so let's rate this Teen/PG13.

Now complete!  And illustrated!  Thanks a million-fold to Robinka (see Chapter 2) and Elf of Cave (see Chapter 6).

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Humor, General


Major Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gilfanon, Glorfindel, Mablung, Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges: B2MeM 2011
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 6 Word Count: 21, 895
Posted on 5 May 2011 Updated on 2 June 2011
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This is a Writing fanworkIn the Court of the Dragon Emperor by pandemonium_213

The Dragon Emperor of Kitai lavishes rich and tempting gifts upon two Istari: Alatar and Pallando.  Will the Blue Wizards succumb to the Son of Heaven's request?

Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011: March 1 in response to the prompt:  Write a story or poem or create artwork where seduction plays a central role.

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Other Beings, General

Major Characters: Alatar, Pallando
Major Relationships:
Genres: Adventure, General Challenges: B2MeM 2011
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 064
Posted on 8 March 2011 Updated on 8 March 2011
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkLight Over the Mountain by pandemonium_213

Long before the Ainur entered the Circles of Arda, the Guardians, greatest of the Ainur, rescued an unusual group of children from a war-torn land.  In this series of vignettes, one of those rescued recounts the terrible events of his childhood that set him on a path to control his destiny and the world around him, a path that would lead to infamy.

MEFA 2011 Winner.  Second Place, Incomplete, Drama

Major Characters: Eönwë, Gandalf, Melkor, Original Character(s), Radagast, Saruman, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama, Science Fiction Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 574
Posted on 21 February 2011 Updated on 21 February 2011
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Co-Created Fanworks

This is a Writing fanworkManwë's Birthday Party by Dawn Felagund, Tarion Anarore, Rhapsody, oshun, Isil Elensar, pandemonium_213, Beatrisu

Round robin. Feel free to join in! In honor of SWG's second birthday, we offer a sillyfic about what may have happened if Varda held a party for her beloved husband ... and invited all of Aman. Please see the Story Notes for more details before adding to the story.

Major Characters: Celegorm, Fingon, Lórien, Maedhros, Maglor, Mandos, Manwë, Nessa, Tulkas, Vairë, Varda, Yavanna
Major Relationships:
Genres: General, Humor Challenges:
Teens Warnings: Expletive Language
Chapters: 9 Word Count: 4, 780
Posted on 30 July 2007 Updated on 7 December 2009
This fanwork is a work in progress.
Table of Contents and Single Chapters | Show All Chapters
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pandemonium_213's 2017 Stamp Collection