Instadrabbling Session for Maedhros & Maglor Week
Join us to instadrabble on our Discord server on February 15 using prompts themed around the relationship between Maedhros and Maglor.
Nellas, long after the fall of Doriath, is again a witness to tragedy
This is a very geeky crossover between The Silmarillion and Njal’s Saga, the longest and arguably best of the early medieval Icelandic Sagas which Tolkien knew very well.
Imagine a self-help group for fictional characters who have lost one or several hands. That's it. That's the idea.
A very rough sketch to get in just under the wire to respond to three challenges at once:
- Tengwar (ampa - hook; technically Noldo)
- Crossroads of the Fallen King (Crossover with Star Wars, Peter Pan, the MCU, the Aubreiad, real world history, Mad Max and the Queen's Thief series)
- Funky 70s (Star Wars; some of the fancy drinks)
Curufin visits his wife in the forge with another creation in mind.
Ficlets exploring the brotherly bond and dynamics of Finrod and Aegnor, and the beginnings of the lifelong friendship of Aegnor and Fingon.
This artwork is a depiction of Angrod, son of Finarfin, and all that represents his life in Dorthonion. It is also a companion piece to a story I recently uploaded, 'Star In The Darkness.'
A is for Aegnor who burned with his land.
B is for Barahir, robbed of his hand…
Angrod's hopes for a new life in a strange new land with the object of the Noldor's wrath residing to the north, may not be as easy as he believes.
Hobbits flock to The Green Dragon to try and decipher the meaning of Bilbo's speech and work out if he was insulting them, or complimenting them.
This is a fic for the Zinger! challenge.
Five times Daeron meets Maglor by accident, plus one time it happens on purpose.
The Halls of Mandos are known to be strange but there's no precendent for running into other people who claim to be you.
Gil-Galad meets some other Gil-Galads and reflects on the essence of Gil-Galadness.
This is a story about love's redemptive power, the restoration of hope and belief, it is a slow burn and deals with the the outcasts of society who don't fit in. When two lost and lonely people meet and fall in love they have to navigate an Elvish society that is not quite as fair minded and open as one would think, in fact its down right xenophobic and judgmental and prejudiced.
There’s an Elf climbing through the garage window.
Worse than an Elf: a Mod.
(a Maglor-in-History)
After an age of sorrow, Erestor has a new chance at love and with someone he did not expect. But can Imladris' resident Councillor let go of the past and of heartbreak to allow something new to blossom.
(Embracing the SILMARIL OF AIR)
Let followers of the patroneʃs of stars
Wear the mantles of their mighty host
Whilʃt I, a sailor of beaches and bars,
Tremble before beauty that makes all else toaʃt
Princes of elves have slavered o'er light
And jealous women caʃt away their frame
But it’s I, a man of little might
Who sits in jewellight, triumphs over flame
“Yikes,” said Gil-Galad, High King of the Noldor.
“... The brave Goldilocks didn’t cower before the Great Slug! He took up his sword once more and held the vicious beast at bay as Princess Silverfoot led all the people out of the Flower Kingdom."
Bilbo updates and localizes the Fall of Gondolin for a small and hobbitish audience.
Hopefully Glorfindel, a good chap if there ever was one, won't mind the tactful translation.
They're important, the myths people tell about themselves, about their histories. You can learn a lot from a tale or seven.
About the Nauglamír and the other side of the story. Of culture clash, betrayal, and lost art.
We have our teaching, and the Elves have theirs. Through countless years, they have continued to tell their own version of events about the Nauglamír. Ever they turn the story against us, saying it reveals the greed of the Dwarves, and our treachery.
They say that Elven memory is perfect. And yet it seems not so.
At a difficult stage in his life, a stranger appears at Ludwig van Beethoven's door.
The fate of Maglor, after he cast away the Silmaril, is pretty much open for speculation. Here are some glimpses at his adventures throughout human history, in no particular order.
Newly added: Exiles. In the Roman province of Macedonia, two exiles meet. Written for the August 2017 challenge, Song of Exile.
Three scientists discuss technology and responsibility in the Jornada del Muerto Valley on July 19, 1945.
Highly AU. Not allegorical, but perhaps applicable.
MEFA 2008: First Place, Modern Times, General.