Series compiled by SWG Moderators
We get together from time to time on the SWG Discord and produce spontaneous fanworks based on randomly chosen prompts. This collection includes drabbles, ficlets, and other flash fanworks produced as part of our instadrabbling sessions.
- Series Information
We get together from time to time on the SWG Discord and produce spontaneous fanworks based on randomly chosen prompts. This collection includes drabbles, ficlets, and other flash fanworks produced as part of our instadrabbling sessions.
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Instadrabbling"

2019 Summer Solstice Drabbles by Ismene
Warnings: No warnings apply
A series of instradrabbles from the 2019 summer solstice!

Adanel: never have I ever by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
A young Adanel in two drabbles from the Holiday Party Instadrabbling event using the "Never have I ever" prompt.

After the Storm Waves by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
The Downfall of Numenor has also inflicted considerable damage on settlements in Lindon.
When Elendil's ships arrive, Cirdan considers how to put up those Numenoreans who escaped the Downfall.

The Afterlives of Orcs (Drabble) by lovelytimes
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Short drabble written for the 2019 Solstice instadrabbling challenge.

After the Fall by Lferion
Warnings: No warnings apply
The aftermath of the Fall of Numenor, from two different shores and three perspectives. Three drabbles.

All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.
The Latest:
"Fly." Fingon's faith in his friendship with Maedhros leads him to the decision to rescue him.
"Salt." Uinen discovers the kinslaying.
"Sunship." Nerdanel places the final cog in the sunship as an act of resistance.
"No One Heard That." The histories withheld some details of Fëanor's muster of the Noldor.
"Cracked." Námo explains death to a young Fëanor.
"Sunship, Reprise." The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea.
"Shadows beyond a Campfire." The sons of Fëanor build a campfire after the Nirnaeth.
"The Neologist." Pengolodh on language and history at three points in Gondolin's history.

Always Been Best for Discovering (Drabble) by lovelytimes
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short drabble written for the 2019 Solstice instadrabbling challenge.

A Bright Winter's Night by chrissystriped
Warnings: No warnings apply
Estel enjoys the view of the starry winter sky

Comparisons by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Finduilas of Dol Amroth is not like Finduilas of Nargothrond at all, is she?
Or so she used to think.

Competition by Artano
Warnings: No warnings apply
Finrod answers a tutor's question before Caranthir can

discarded by Fernstrike
Warnings: No warnings apply
Celebrimbor learns a horrible truth.
Written for the December 2020 Instadrabbling event on the SWG server.

Drabbles and one-shots by firstamazon
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drabbles and one-shots written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord server.

Elendil! Elendil! by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Fixed length-ficlets featuring Elendil the Tall, one set during this childhood in Numenor, the other after the Fall of Numenor.

An eye in a blue face by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Arien looks down on Middle-earth and, thanks to Yavanna, she sees...
Can you guess?
(Gollum once guessed it long ago.)

Flashes of Fancy by heget
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
All the instadrabbles (100 words or less) written for the SWG Discord event on November 18th.

Flowing Songs of Healing by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
Yavanna and Ulmo in Middle-earth after the toppling of the Lamps.

Fragments by SkyEventide
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short stories mostly in drabble form written for the Solstice Instadrabbling Challenge 2019 on the discord server.

"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
A collection of drabbles written for the 2019 Solstice Instadrabbling on the SWG Discord. See the Table of Contents for summaries (and content warnings, if needed) for individual pieces.

Full transparency by Quente
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabble prompt: Something never seen before
Celebrimbor spots two newcomers to Aman.

Gold-cleaver by chrissystriped
Warnings: No warnings apply
Maglor finds peace in making art that is not music

Holiday Party Instadrabbling by elennalore
Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Two drabbles written at the Holiday Party instadrabbling event.
1. Maedhros almost (but not quite) makes his little brothers cry. Russingon. Valinor, Years of the Trees.
2. Sauron does something genuinely nice to someone. Tol Sirion, First Age.

Holiday Party Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
From the Instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord server, 2 January 2022.

Hot Chocolate by Artano
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short interaction between Maedhros and Caranthir, written during an instadrabbling session.

In Our Hearts We Know the Truth by Saelind
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
A collection of drabbles from the instadrabbling sessions on Discord.

Instadrabbles by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Warnings: No warnings apply
Starting off with Oropher and Thranduil, unsure who else may show up as I participate in other ones. Various OCs of mine and AfricanDaisy's (Emma) will appear.

Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

Instadrabbling at the Ribbon-Cutting Event by elennalore
Warnings: No warnings apply
Two drabbles (100 words) I wrote during the Ribbon-cutting event instadrabbling 25.04.2021.
The first is Silvergifting, prompt words daisy, riddle, sunlit, lawns
The second is Russingon, prompt words warmth, smile, memory, river

January 2025 Instadrabbling writings: Olwë, Tuor, Illuvatar, Finrod, Dior, Gil-galad by Quente
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short fanworks for the following prompts:
• hurt, delusions, tandem, fly
• The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.
• Oh, this spacious sky/Is not poetry enough for our swelling lungs
• Smells like teen spirit generator: annoying siblings
• From a random page of On Fairy-Stories: beauties, terrors, sun, power
• Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy.

Jubilant Potluck by Grundy
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drabbles written for Jubilee, fulfilling prompts from Potluck and other previous challenges.

Jubilee by polutropos
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Ficlets for the Jubilee Challenge instadrabbling.

Jubilee Drabbles by Elrond's Library
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Some drabbles from the 1/19/2025 instabrabbling event

Jubilee 2025 Instadrabbling by elennalore
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Three 100 words drabbles I wrote during the Jubilee 2025 live instadrabbling event on the SWG discord server.

Jubilee Instadrabbling by elennalore
Warnings: No warnings apply
1. Ar-Pharazôn muses on progress and opportunity.
2. Curvo gives Tyelko a begetting day present.
3. Turgon misses Elenwë.

Jubilee Instadrabbling 2025 by Lindariel
Warnings: Animal Abuse, Character Death, Violence (Mild)
Eight perfect drabbles (and one bonus accidentally AU one) from the SWG Discord instadrabbling session in January 2025.

letters from the front by Fernstrike
Warnings: No warnings apply
Isildur contemplates what to to tell his wife as he writes home from the siege of Barad-dûr.

Limits of Defiance by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Finduilas considers the question whether she ever had a rebellious phase and remembers an episode from her childhood.

Lockdown Image Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
From the Discord server session on 10 May 2020.

Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
From the Discord server sessions on 25 March, 29 March, and 12 April 2020.

A long-held debt by Quente
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabble prompt: Friend, want, bad, gesture.
Ioreth probably should not have been carrying that basket over wet cobblestones...

Meet & Greet Instadrabbling by elennalore
Warnings: No warnings apply
Two drabbles written during instadrabbling event on SWG.
1. Eönwë and Manwë. Prompt: Birdseed for Manwë.
2. Nerdanel. Prompt: Being delayed.

Midwinter 2020 Image Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
From the SWG Discord server sessions on 9 January 2021.

Midwinter 2020 Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
From the Discord server sessions on 27 December 2020.

Misdirection: first impression by Quente
Warnings: No warnings apply
For the Instadrabble prompt: Murphy’s law kicks in (anything that can go wrong will).
What was Tuor's first week like in Gondolin?

Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
A place to store drabbles and ficlets, mostly written for various prompts.

Motley Crew by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Maglor survives the tsunami that hit the coast of Middle-earth during the Fall of Numenor, in the company of a somewhat unexpected group of fellow survivors.

Natural History of Middle-earth: A Tour by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drabbles inspired by natural history prompts, from the Years of the Trees to the Fourth Age, from Valinor to Far Harad.
Featuring Indis and Miriel, Ilmare and Varda, Earendil and his mariners, Aragorn and the past, and Beruthiel and her white cat.

Olympics 2021 Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabbles from the SWG Discord server sessions on 31 July-1 August 2021, with Olympics-flavored prompts.

Only Starlight by Varda delle Stelle
Warnings: No warnings apply
The relationship between the Eldar of a young Beleriand and Elbereth's Stars.

Quilt of Growth by AdmirableMonster
Warnings: No warnings apply
Little snapshots of different worlds, for the restoration and rebuilding challenge. Written during Instadrabbling in August 2022.

Restoration & Rebuilding Instadrabbling by elennalore
Warnings: No warnings apply
Four different drabbles (100 words each) written during a SWG instadrabbling event 20.08.2022.

Restoration and Rebuilding Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabbles from the sessions on the SWG Discord server, 20-21 August 2022

Restore and Rebuild by polutropos
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabbles for the August-September 2022 SWG Challenge, Restoration and Rebuilding.

Ribbon-Cutting Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabbles from the ribbon-cutting event on the SWG Discord server, 24-25 April 2021, on the theme of renewal

Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!
(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium.

Short stories of Valinor by Aprilertuile
Warnings: No warnings apply
My answers to some recent instadrabbles, featuring wild noldor in their natural habitat and disaster siblings.

A Sign of Hope by chrissystriped
Warnings: No warnings apply
Barahir and his men find hope where they did not expect it.

Simple Pleasures, And All That by Fernstrike
Warnings: No warnings apply
A collection of ficlets written for the 2019 Solstice instradrabbling challenge on Discord.

So It Comes by cuarthol
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
For the instadrabble prompt: lost in memory

Solstice Drabbles by Idrils Scribe
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drabbles written for the 2019 Solstice instradrabbling challenge on the SWG Discord.

Solstice instadrabbles 2019 by NelyafinweFeanorion
Warnings: No warnings apply
three 100 word Drabble written for the discord summer solstice instadrabbles.

Sprinkles of Snow by Tamatoa
Warnings: No warnings apply
Instadrabbling from the discord event in January 2025.

Survivors: A Pair of Drabbles by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Written for an Insta-drabbling challenge for Orctober prompts, but not horror (or fluff either): two drabbles about survivors, Maglor and Haleth.

They Went in Haste by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
A collection of drabbles written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord.

Thirteen by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
This is a collection of drabbles (exactly 100 words) written for the instradrabbling session for the SWG's 13th birthday. See individual chapter summaries under the Table of Contents for summaries and any warnings.

Two Journeys by Lferion
Warnings: No warnings apply
In the First Age, Fingon traveled to Rerir after discovering Turgon's disappearance. In the Fourth Age, he travels to Rerir again in Beleriand Risen.f

the war to come by Fernstrike
Warnings: No warnings apply
A moment of foreboding between a Maia and an Elvenking during the funeral of Thorin Oakenshield.
Written for the December 2020 Instadrabbling event on the SWG server.

A Whisper of the Old World by Narya
Warnings: No warnings apply
A brief moment in the woods between two old people who are more than they seem...

With Him For A While by Independence1776
Warnings: No warnings apply
At the end of the First Age, Elrond chooses to wander with Maglor.