Two Journeys by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the November/December 2022 SWG challenge "Manwë's Mailbag," and also for the January 2023 "Jubilee" challenge, using the postcard from the first challenge, and the instadrabble prompts from the second.

Many thanks to Zhie, Anérea, and everyone involved with making the postcards and participating in the Instadrabble sessions.

Extra thanks to Bunn for Beleriand Risen, found at the end of Return to Aman, and explored in the series following, and especially for letting me also use the idea.

Posted on AO3 here

Fanwork Information


In the First Age, Fingon traveled to Rerir after discovering Turgon's disappearance. In the Fourth Age, he travels to Rerir again in Beleriand Risen.f

Major Characters: Fingon

Major Relationships: Fingon & Maedhros, Caranthir & Fingon

Genre: Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General

Challenges: Jubilee, Manwë's Mailbag

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 152
Posted on 15 January 2023 Updated on 16 January 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Two Journeys

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It was great to watch this sequence grow and now it is very good to see it as a whole, in the intended order!

As a reader, you really feel you are with him on the journeys.

I love all the descriptions of the land in this!  So much a character in and of itself!

I really felt the dismay at finding Turgon (and everyone) gone from Nevrast, the question of what happened, the need to know it had not been a violent end but still not knowing what the reason.  Having him be a lover of puzzles is a delightful headcanon!

"Still a defensive and defensible outpost, but also clearly a place of welcome, of hospitality, of peace."

Caranthir's hold being open and welcoming is such a refreshing change (even from how I tend to write him! LOL)  It is too easy to make him angry or anti-social, but I love the idea of him specifically offering the invitation for a visit!

"The far side of the lake met a sheer face of interesting rock, and he was delighted to find that what had looked like reflections or shadows on the pale stone were plants, tenacious bushes and small trees that had taken advantage of cracks between the stones to set their roots, and there they flourished, defiant of the challenging conditions, green and fragrant."

This beautiful description reminds me of Caranthir himself!

This whole thing was fantastic!


I love how the two halves mirror each other, how some things stay the same whether it is in the original Beleriand or in the renewed Beleriand.

Love the parts about Fingon's and Fingolfin's feelings when Aredhel and Turgon leave for Gondolin and the focus you put on Fingon's and Caranthir's relationship! It's not a combination I would have ever considered!